Atomic Heart - New Gameplay of Soviet Bioshock!.

Hello, my name is ColdBeer and look what resurrected from the dead! No it’s not your alcoholic aunt, when she’s in coma, nobody can wake her, I’m talking about Atomic Heart, a game that was announced at least 3 years ago and went through a development hell is showing signs of life by releasing a gameplay trailer where you can see some incredible creepy stuff and the fight with even creepier boss.

Game looks gorgeous and weird at the same time, but don't expect too much; it's just a first person shooter after all. To be fair, just a year ago, everyone was thinking that Atomic Heart is never happening, but it seems that tables have turned into a brighter side.

Also developers managed to hire one of the greatest videogame music composers - Mick Gordon is writing the score. The same dude who wrote all those amazing Doom tracks most of us like and many more cool songs, just google it if you like heavier notes.

Events of Atomic Heart unfold in an alternative universe, during the high noon of the Soviet Union. The main character of the game is a special agent, who was sent to a highly secret object by the Soviet government after it went radio silent. So, as you can guess, the weak batteries of local radio is not the issue - the monsters and various robots are.

They went amok, haywire and crazy - and only you can stop them and by doing that unveil the creepy secrets of creepy Soviet facility. Although these robots and strange plants are not very dangerous, you can manage them with ease until you meet some boss monster named Plyush.

Something similar I saw in Prey, except it is made of blood instead of creepy substance Prey creatures were made of. The game is a weird mix of Bioshock and SCP Containment Breach made with graphics of the next generation. I’m definitely waiting for this game to show up, sadly there is no release date set yet.