Cyber Hunter (Mobile/PC Game) Review and Gameplay.

Hello everyone, my name is Vladislav, and as always i'm glad to have you here on my channel. So in today's video we're going to take a look closer at "Cyber Hunter", which is a new free-to-play Battle Royale game by Chinese developers "NetEase Games".

And yeah, i said it's new, well... sort of, because originally game was launched in 2019 on mobile phones, and only recently it was officially released also on PC via "Steam". So what's so interesting about "Cyber Hunter", and how it differs from many other games in similar genre, we are going to figure out in this video.

But before that, if you up for some more interesting gaming content in future, then feel free to smash that subscribe button, and we shall continue. So first thing that i found interesting about "Cyber Hunter", is that yeah, there are a lots and lots of Battle Royale games out there, as on mobile, as well as on PC, and i'm honestly at first was very skeptical about this one, since how mobile game can even compete with such huge Battle Royale PC games like "PUBG" or "Fortnite", yeah, and those games just in case have it's mobile versions also.

And that's how. First off those games that i mentioned, are very different games for PC and mobile. Like PC version of "PUBG" plays, and feels very differently from it's mobile counterpart, and same goes for "Fortnite". While "Cyber Hunter" on mobile and on PC are absolutely same games, with only exception of controls, about which we're going to talk about a bit later.

So yeah, check this out. This is mobile version. And this is PC one. And yeah, don't get discouraged by my mobile footage, since i took it on my old Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 model, and surprisingly game works even on that one. But what i tried to show you here, that is this game, unlike most of other mobile Battle Royale games, looks absolutely fantastic on both platforms, and maybe if not as great as already mentioned "Fortnite", and i'm talking about PC version of game right now, but really not that far from it.

Few more things that i want to mention about graphics, that is yeah, on Mobile you can enchance graphics much more, by choosing higher graphics presets, if your phone can handle it ofcourse. And as for PC version, well... that is HD preset, but once again, not maxed out for sake of high FPS.

But okay, graphics in game i think we already figured out, and now let's proceed to very first important game feature, character creation. Yeah, very first thing that you're going to do upon very first login, is create your character. Since at moment of record of this video, game is already at season 8, currently 3 character models are available, which are fully customizable.

Yeah, character creation system looks like more how it is in MMORPG games, and yeah, here i want to mention this, that i understand that for some players in Battle Royale games, it is maybe not that important how your character looks like, but still, i found it absolutely great, that i can give my character some personality.

And yeah, not one, but you can create and customize all 3 of them, and use them on same account, since it doesn't affect your overall ingame progress at all. But here i want to warn you, that switching between servers will. And also unfortunately i didn't found any option to link "Steam" and Mobile accounts, so they could share same progress, which is unfortunate, since yeah, game is free-to-play, but in game you can unlock some cosmetic stuff, as well as buy if you want to.

So if anyone knows how to link accounts, please feel free to mention that in comments. So after we created character, if you play on mobile, you will be offered to play training mode in order to get used to game controls, and if on PC, you will get straight away to the lobby.

And speaking of which, if you get used to play Battle Royale games, you will be familiar with this one in no time. In this one we can customize character looks, claim free rewards, buy cosmetic stuff, and yeah, at least there is no pay to win at all.

And in next menu we can choose between game modes. Main game mode in "Cyber Hunter", as in all similar games of that type, is Battle Royale, which you can play or solo, or with team. Aside of that, there are other game modes are exist, which will be unlocked after you reach level 5.

And for this modes, it is possible to customize your character loadout, just like in "Call of Duty: Mobile". And yeah, why i referred to "Call of Duty: Mobile", that's because First Person Perspective was recently added to the game. So at moment it is possible to play only custom modes in first person perspective, but i hope later it will be added to Battle Royale also.

So as i said, it is possible to play Battle Royale in solo mode, as well as in team of two or four players. But more than that, it is possible to play Battle Royale regular matches against real players, as well as practice matches agains bots. And bots in Battle Royale games as we know, some players totally fine with them, while others are not.

And here let me explain how it works. If you set Batlle Royale mode to play against bots, just for practice, you will play only against bots, which is great feature. That way you can learn game mechanics, without being bothered, or even worse, killed by other players.

But here's the thing, that at start of game, since you have low rank, even in regular matches, yeah, in lobbies with real players, you still will have to deal with bots. And this is good, and same time bad thing. On good side, that you will totally destroy them, and practice your gaming skills a bit more, but few very first days in game, you will rarely encounter any good players at all.

Which is bad, because if you want to became better in game, you have to compete with better players. But until that happens, "Cyber Hunter" may take few good days. My first Battle Royale, i won with 20 kills, with no prior experience with this particular game, but already later that day, i started to encounter even some real players, and got even destroyed few times.

And only on third day, after i ranked a bit higher, last circles already started to feel very intence, at least to my skill in those type of games. So yeah, just give it some time, and you will start to encounter with some real players. And also if you have friends, then play together, since as far as i know, team lobbies much more packed with real players, so that way you will face them much earlier, than in solo.

And now it's time to talk about gameplay mechanics itself, because this is what got me into this game, and probably will got you also. First thing that got my attention to this game, is game controls. And yeah now i'm speaking about PC version of game, because with mobile it is all understandable, and if you got used to playing mobile Battle Royale games, you will be familiar with controls in this one straight away also.

So first thing that i liked, was auto pickup system, which is very common thing for mobile games today, because of limited controls. But speaking of modern Battle Royale games that are currently trending on PC, only one game comes to mind with similar item pick up system, and i'm talking about "Call of Duty: Warzone".

So basically as soon as you see any items, you can just run towards them, and character will automatically pick up everything that you need. You can also pick up items manually and switch between them, but this auto pickup feature, really helps to concetrate on combat while looting, and i liked it a lot.

Inventory you can manage just like in regular "PUBG" games just in case, simply by pressing "Tab" if on PC, or corresponding button if on mobile, so this menu are very simple and intuitive, weapons on left, items on right, and only things that you have to manage, is your weapon attachments.

And basically each weapon have only very few of them, like expanded magazine, various scopes, and weapon cores, which serves as weapon upgrade system in this game. Yeah gunplay in "Cyber Hunter" just in case, as for me feels as sort of a mix between "Fortnite" and "Call of Duty: Mobile".

Lots of similar weapons to "Fortnite", but same time shooting are very fast as in "Call of Duty: Mobile" or even "Warzone". So as soon as you or your opponent got in scope, it's really a matter of seconds between win or lose. And why is that? Well because unlike how it is in "Fortnite", you can not build yourself up, and play box battles.

But that doesn't mean that we can't build stuff in "Cyber Hunter" also. Here we can build some basic structures, like instant wall, or even tower, but building things are very different in "Cyber Hunter", and here's why. First off, in order to build, or create at least something, first we need to collect materials, which in this case are special "Cubes".

After you collect some, you can build some protection walls or towers, which helps a lot, but aside of that, you can build healing stations, guarding drones, and even transportaion. Yeah, you can literally build yourself a bike and ride it, which is absolutely insane.

At start of game only very few building options are available, but as you get higher in rank, many more options will be unlocked. Next thing that i liked in "Cyber Hunter" more than in any of other Battle Royale games, is an armor system. While in "PUBG" you constantly have to look for new armor, as you get damaged, or in case of "Fortnite", you have to rely on Potions, which i actually liked more than in "PUBG", since it less complicated, and easier to maintain, and concentrate on gameplay itself.

In "Cyber Hunter" there are various armor sets that you can find, while rotating throughout the zone. But here's the thing. Armor that you can find in this game, have various grades, like regular armor, rare armor, and even epic one. So as soon as you found one, you never again have to worry about it through entire match.

Only thing that you have to worry about, is about finding a better one. Armor in "Cyber Hunter" adds to your overall protection, and can not be destroyed at all, which is absolutely insane. And that is one of reasons, that battles against real players at final circle, can get very intense, because everyone who survived that long, may have already great weapon, great armor, and great drone setup.

And yeah, i forgot to mention, that in order to build or create things like walls yeah, and healing stations, or bikes, you have to set it up while in lobby, or you can do it prior match. So only 3 building options are available at time. And depending on match, if you play solo, or playing with friends, you have to set your drone building setup accordingly.

Okay next very insane feature, that i once again liked a lot in this game, is sort of parkour system yeah! Competitive action games always was not only about prescise shooting, but also about movement. And in "Cyber Hunter" fast movement, and ability to reach certain spots is one of main features of game.

Just take a look at this. In this one you can literally climb walls just like a "Spider-Man" yeah! And combine this freedom of movement, with ability to glide on your drone at any time, which by some reason in "Fortnite" you can do only under certain circumstances, at least in Battle Royale mode.

And here you can jump and glide on your drone from any height, any distance, absolutely at any time. Yeah, generally speaking, movement freedom in "Cyber Hunter" feels absolutely great, and not only while on foot, but on transport also. In game you will find parked cars or motorboats very often, and not to forget, that we can create bike ourselves, if it was set in drone options prior match.

With all this, matches in "Cyber Hunter" not feeling that lonely, as it can be time to time in other Battle Royale games. In this one, since you have easy access to transport, you can loot, and if you want then rush straight away in middle of zone, and that i liked a lot.

So no more wondering around outside of zone for the half of game. So that was basically all main gameplay mechanics of "Cyber Hunter", i hope i didn't forget anything. Yeah, i made a lot of comparisons between this game and "PUBG","Fortnite" and "Call of Duty: Mobile", but not because this game are much better than those, or those games are much better than this one, no.

I made those comparsions, because those games are flagship Battle Royale games, which are been already around for a some time, while "Cyber Hunter" is a relatively new game, at least on PC. And if you played and liked those games, and maybe wanted to try out something new, then this one may become your new Battle Royale game, at least for a some time, since games in this genre today, grow like mushrooms after rain.

Today you played one game, and tomorrow new one already hit the shelf. Like yeah, while i played this game, other people already played "Hyper Scape", which as you guess, is another brand new Battle Royale game. But well, at least about this one i can say, that after sometime, i got bored with PUBG, although i'm still playing "Fortnite" time to time, but after i found out about "Cyber Hunter", while was searching something new and easy to catch up, and most importantly not so demanding for my PC, since "Call of Duty: Warzone" is already a bit tough for my old machine, i found myself playing "Cyber Hunter" more and more, and even started to keeping my eye on streamers of this game, because who knows, if it will get's big...