Game Over Review | Mind-Blowing Psychological Film | Taapsee Pannu | Movie Review | Subtitles |.

Game over a film produced from the Telugu film industry Also Available in multiple languages directed by Ashwin Saravanan the movie focuses on an individual suffering from anniversary reactions a psychological condition in which our subconscious manifests the traumatic event in various forms, incidents which take a toll on us mentally and physically seemed to come to haunt back people closer to the date and time they happen certain sounds of situations like isolation or dark rooms can lead to reactions getting triggered here's me telling you why game over was one of the best movie to watch and being challenged as an audience to guess what's going to happen next the creators have absolutely blown this out of the park.

Cinematography and screenplay cinematographer a Vasanth has absolutely blown me away by his work in this movie. the integration of several techniques to heighten the anxiety and fear in us is brilliantly executed. the combination of POV shots invading the protagonists home, the back and forth between the security cameras and the camera following the protagonists, the use of virtual reality as a tool for us to exactly feel what triggers the character.

The movie is cinematically so engaging to watch I never knew a black screen could scare me this much but I'm sure of it after watching this one, similarly with screenplay the movie does not feel dragged even for a single moment .the integration of flashbacks voiceovers movement and decisions taken by characters is efficient and so bloody effective.

The technical team has done a splendid job with this film to keep audiences on the edge of their seats without having the suspension of disbelief soundtrack this brings me to the other technical feature which leads to you either getting goosebumps or your heart beating at a fast pace.

The movie has a stunning background score which is apt for scenes . the ticking clock hauntingly slow and picking up pace to increase the in anxiety felt by the protagonist still sends chills down my spine thinking about it. Hariharan with the impeccable sound design does not drain you with unnecessary placement of a blaring sound which most hindi horror movies execute .

It transports you to a silent room making you wonder the coast is clear but the haunting soundtrack already sets you up for the impending doom ahead it's brilliantly designed the performances taapsee pannu is on a rampage when it comes to picking compelling scripts which also have a commercial viability.

Taapsee as what comes across is a game developer that suffers from the anniversary reactions. She showcases her angst and helplessness whenever she is triggered with ease an individual that once changed but can't seem to find the answers.the actor is complemented by commendable performances by the supporting cast Parvathi as dr.

Renna and vinodhini vaidynathan as Kalamma are brilliant. they possess this warmth and empathetic energy which draws you to these characters and what they represent in the movie.however it is pretty clear that this movie belongs to taapsee pannu an actor who just keeps on soaring to new heights and proves to all of us that the movies do not require the typical formula to work, make an interesting script casts credible actors and it will surely be a game-changer finally the premise in direction Ashwin Saravanan has chosen not only a unique script but presented it with such precision and efficiency that I was actually taken aback by how many beats were on point in this film.

Every sequence or moment had a purpose either to transport us to the world through Sapna's eyes or give us an accurate presentation of her environment. the elements that co exist with her on a daily, but are it struggle for her to deal with. the movie does not contain brainless songs or funny moments just to cater to a particular audience.

It sticks to telling us the compelling story and does a bloody good job at it. I would urge everyone to watch this film this is a short review because I can't really give you spoilers because that will ruin the entire movie going experience so I definitely definitely recommend you to watch this movie definitely one of the most impressive thrillers I've seen in recent years please support it.