Who Is The Most Powerful Mage in Warcraft?

One of the most versatile spellcasters, mages utilize the arcane in its various forms. From the eredar to elves to humans they are some of the most powerful beings within the Warcraft universe. However which mage is the most powerful in all of history that wasn't on a titan scale? There are a million different mages and many powerful ones all across the universe.

The oldest users of the arcane that we know of are the titans and the eredar. Right of the bat the titans are obviously the strongest magic users and despite being watered down these guys were able to cleave a planet in half, rip out Old gods like pimples and order entire worlds, so they are most definitely on a whole different scale.

In terms of mortal or mortal-like users much closer to us would be the eredar. With Legion, we've learned more about them seeing that they were quite a developed society far before Sargeras ever contacted them. There was Thal'kiel the mentor to Archimonde who was known as one of the most powerful sorcerers leading a group known as the Wakeners that specialized in conjuration and binding.

They used to summon arcane construct to build the capital of Argus and even built machines to harvest the arcane energies of the planet. Long story short he started to summon demons and was defeated by his apprentice and the rulers of Argus Velen and Kil'Jaeden.

Ultimately all of them aside from Velen and the Draenei become servants of the Burning Legion. Still the only reason Sargeras was even interested in them in the first place is that they were known as one of the most intelligent races across the whole of the universe and the best mages out there.

So you can also add Kil'Jaeden and Archimonde to the list, but seeing as they were subsequently on a god-like scale and turned into warlocks they wouldn't really count. Possibly as mages in the past but seeing as we know so little about Argus pre-Legion invasion we can't really know the exact extent of their abilities.

Velen, on the other hand, was also a mage but ever since he has been a priest heavily empowered by the forces of the Light. He is most likely rusty with his use of the arcane and even though he has over 25 thousand years of experience and is ridiculously ahead many other casters this doesn't really mean much.

For example, humans are some of the best mages on Azeroth yet are extremely short-lived when compared to the other races. So let us now turn towards Azeroth and what is much closer to our scale where we have a lot more data. One of the first users were the blue dragons and their leader Malygos.

While not really a mortal in the technical sense he was definitely not a god. We haven't really seen much of him but without a doubt he was one of the most significant mages across the planet. From the 'mortals' it was the night elves that first began seriously utilizing the arcane, building a massive empire and conquering half the planet.

It has been widely known and said for years that Queen Azshara was the most powerful mage that ever lived. This is mostly brought on by the fact that she considered herself equal to Sargeras and that Mannoroth felt like she was more powerful than him which dates back to the War of the Ancients novel.

However, with the recent events and how she was defeated, I am starting to doubt that.
10 thousand years ago she was the absolute strongest and now since she made a pact with N'Zoth, she practised darker arts and ruled under the seas you would expect that she would be even more powerful but that is just not the case.

My opinion is that she was in fact the strongest mage ever but that it was the Well of Eternity that gave her all that power. As I mentioned at the start of the video titans are the strongest users of the arcane - well of eternity is the potent blood of an unborn titan and Azshara could tap directly into it.

This source was so powerful that it could potentially summon Sargeras and much of his demons. Nonetheless, while she was extraordinarily gifted 90% of her power was this source and I believe other talented mages could get just as powerful if they could have absolute power over it if not even more powerful.

From Azshara and the highborne other mages arose in the form of high elves and ultimately the humans many thousands of years later. Now from these, we had quite a lot of powerhouses First are the Guardians which are a story for themselves, most notably Aegwynn and her son Medivh.

Both were incredibly powerful and both had access to the leylines of Azeroth similar to Azhara and the Well. Aegwynn defeated the avatar of Sargeras and created his Tomb. Her son created the Dark Portal and was one of the most relevant characters, not really as a mage but more as a political and a uniting figure.

Now Guardians themselves are said to have the power of multiple mages which is completely obvious as they are a part of the council and the others imbue a portion of their own power in order to have a single mage that is the most efficient. Other than these exceptions there are now a few more regular mages that are much more extraordinary than your average wizard.

First would be Khadgar who was a student of Medivh and despite his relatively young age he was a crucial part of our campaign on Draenor and defeating the Legion. We have seen him face off Gul'Dan as well as summon powerful spells. However despite his achievements and him being strong his role was also mostly to unite the two factions as he was more a leader helping us gather the necessary stuff to battle the demons.

Next to him, there is another extraordinary mage and that is Jaina Proudmoore. Honestly, she has been surprisingly a lot more powerful than we had expected, having the potential to destroy the entirety of Orgrimmar as well as all the other things she had done during the Battle for Azeroth.

She literally singlehandedly saved the Alliance in the battle of Undercity against an entire army. While she had access to sources, in my opinion she definitely grew to be one of the most powerful spellcasters we have seen. Now other than these there are so many mages out there that are also incredibly powerful, from leaders of the Kirin Tor up to dragons, but none of these were singlehandedly powerhouses.

So who is the most powerful mage outside of the titans and the other godlike creatures? Well in my opinion Jaina Proudmore with the current power, but if we go back in history it would be Azshara with the help of the Well of Eternity. However, if Jaina could tap into the Well directly I do think she would be even more powerful than Azshara.

Outside of these, I don't really see the list as a number but more as in shades and some mage being more powerful than the other all depending on the circumstances of the situation. Thank you for watching. Check out the most powerful warlock by clicking on the screen and also check out the second channel Doron's academy for videos on real-world history and science.