Ultimate The Witcher 3 Graphics Mod! HD Reworked Project - 4K Ultra!.

Hello, my name is ColdBeer and look what I have found. Do you remember when the third Witcher had this trailer which showed amazing graphics, especially in the textures of a town walls, and the released game had them downgraded and everyone was shouting about the conspiracies and lies.

After that we had plenty of mods making textures look better, but never like this. Few talented fans decided to make a difference. Five years of development. Hundreds of hours of hard work. And now we have graphics even better than we could ever imagine.

This is absolutely a new visual experience because the scope of this mod is enormous. It replaces pretty much everything - grass, snow, rocks, buildings, characters, sky, trees, water - it’s all in detailed 4K now. Creator of this mod nicknamed HalkHogan says that performance is optimized, with around 5 frames per second loss on old graphic cards, while anything from the last few years should be more than fine.

The version of this amazing mod you are seeing right now will be available for downloading from September 19 - I will put all links into the description below. So, if you ever wanted to replay Witcher on your PC, this may be the time. Just make sure that you have that powerful rig, because if you run Witcher on like 30fps then 5fps loss will be more than noticeable and your graphics card will melt inside your machine.