KULTIRAN VS ORC - Who Would Win?

On one side you have the descendants of vrykul, the massive sailor nation Kul'Tirans and on the other the war, beast like orcs. Both are titan creations from different planets, both are around the same size and both are powerful. However which one of the two would be stronger in melee combat? Kul'Tirans are humans, their exact origin has never been 100% clarified but really when comparing them to their Eastern Kingdoms counterparts they really seem like an entirely different species.

Sure there are some Kul'Tirans that are regular humans but the majority of them are large, the males and the females. It is always tricky to get into the actual stats because a lot of it is contradictory and the in-game is never really representative but roughly the Kul'Tirans on average are around 8 feet tall, which is about 240 cms and they weigh upwards of 400lbs, nearly 200kg and really I'd even say maybe 50-100 kg more based on their strongman build.

Seeing as the Azeroth humans are on average similar in size to us on Earth, the Kul'Tirans have the height of an extraordinarily tall basketball player with the build of an elite strongman. Seeing how a strongman can be 5-10 times stronger than an untrained human we can estimate the difference in much the same way.

Of course, Azerothian humans are different to us as they descend from the vrykul and I'd say they on average must be much stronger but to round it up I'd say a kul'tiran is at least 2 times stronger than the stormwind human. This is all, of course, great for lifting stuff but builds like these are never really ideal for fighting.

Size and strength are a massive factor in combat but so is endurance, speed and agility. I see the Kul'Tirans as slow but hard hitters which can definitely do the job on many occasions. Also, their size helps them absorb damage as a 500 lbs muscular human can definitely take a punch better than a 200lbs pound one.

Overall Kul'Tirans are very strong, tall and I see them being quite effective if they manage to close the distance or to land a punch. When it comes to the orcs, they seem a bit more diverse, but keep in mind Blizzard is incredibly inconsistent with them.

The height of orcs starts at around 6'6 so about 2 meters and they go up to 8 feet in height which is nearly 240cms. They weigh anywhere from 250-600 lbs so from 120 kg to nearly 270kgs. The inconsistency comes from constant contradictions. When you look at the warcraft movie the orcs are gigantic and are like twice the size of humans which would make them at least 10 feet tall and they all seem gigantic, they can pick up horses and throw them.

Now in the Mists of Pandaria cinematic, the orc and the human seem evenly matched, although I speculate that the human might be of Kul'Tiran origin we don't know for certain, especially as he is a sailor. Then in the Saurfang cinematic, you can definitely see how bigger Varok is when compared to Anduin.

So the orcs seem to be all over the place, the only more consistent data that we have is from the books that state that orcs are two times stronger than humans. The thing about orcs is that they descend from the giants of Draenor and the ogres and they are a warrior society.

All of them train in combat from an incredibly young age and while not all are as muscular as presented in the game, not every orc is as big as Garrosh Hellscream it isn't too far of from the lore perspective. They have one of the better builds for fighting as they are huge, but they also seem decently agile, possessing good endurance.

In terms of body composition, they are similar to the Kul'Tirans although they are definitely leaner on average which could help in combat. They have giant fists and forearms, powerful legs and thick necks which is ideal for melee. In the prison cinematic you can see how strong they are as Varok literally punched a stone wall causing it to shake creating a hole behind Anduin.

If they can do that to a wall imagine what they could do to a face or the body. Orcs also seem more resilient and able to take damage not just from punches but from weapons. This is evident by the fact that orcs often carry very little armor, meaning that they must be able to absorb a lot of damage just with their bodies.

So which one of these two races in stronger in terms of melee combat in particular a duel type fist fight? The thing is both of them are around the same size and if we go by the previous stats the Kul'Tirans are larger on average. This honestly doesn't make too much sense as originally orcs were supposed to be much larger than humans but this can be attributed to fel as when they first invaded they were all enhanced so they must have seemed larger.

In terms of size they have similar builds and they are quite evenly matched although I do prefer the orc build in terms of fighting prowess. Kul'Tirans are relatively a new addition at least with their current build, we've seen them before but they just seemed like regular humans so we haven't seen many examples of their achievements but we have definitely seen the orcs fighting over and over again and they are really good at it.

If you look at the Thrall, Garrosh mak'gora you can see how easily they throw each other around and both of them are massive and the size of a Kul'Tiran. You must be incredibly strong to throw around a 200kg + individual. The main reason why I'd say the orcs would win in a duel is the aggression factor.

Orcs really have that beast-like berserker rage built into them and they can not only do a lot of damage but can also take a lot of damage before going down. This in itself can play a key role in a fistfight, especially if they are just going all out.

Now I'm not saying that Kul'Tirans couldn't win against orcs as we saw that human in the mop cinematic doing just fine against a pretty large and powerful orc although we don't really know too much about both of their backstories. Individual skill definitely plays a role but if we take an average orcs and kul'tirans of similar strength, size and weight I'd say an orc would win in 3 out of 4 scenarios.