*gachimuchi* Jimbay go right! Faster go there! Go right! DISCLAIMER. Clip is not recommended for viewing to anyone! The video contains only entertainment material. Contains obscene language. If, however, you decide to watch it. Then do not complain! Started by Babaych - live with it! Guys i wanna vote! Lets go i wanna vote! i dont care! Then bye, San are you f*** kidding me? In truth, Sanya decided to remove all suspicions from himself when i shoted myself xD Gj Dan San, San Golden phrase from "Remnant" This is not a game where Sanya can show off "Im starting the vote!" *They kick him!* Who has the ball on his head? Yzik with this ball says to others "end me" blyad they are killing me every time! What is the button? The first rule of pressing a button - pressed for no reason means leave the ship! Yes! For it was inappropriate to just press! How so? I didn't know! Baych, too, once did not know Button rule - clicked - kicked! Bastards! I will never forget this! Next time you won't Well, at least one has been removed, one less suspect, you get the idea It's such a fierce killer that it's most likely Pelmen.

? What? Who! why why? Lets think... Its Baktiar, he is rofl no no no he is ruining bakter always ruin. Bakter's arguments? Bakter....speak Hello, isn't this a bomb? what he sayd? Kick it, wants to blow us blow xD "isn't this a bomb?" Here comes the bomb somebody is dead? Slavik? Im alive all alive? So the circle gets narrower *Kazah language* I think I know who it is, but I will not poke a finger at it, but I suspect that this is babaych Babaych decided not to step on the same rake No, he'll jump on them JUMPED Who does everyone vote for? Bakter Ok, me too Will be canceled No It must *The son of a Kazakh turned out to be a traitor* Baych there is a chat here For the dead? For the gifted, yeah Go speak in chat *FIRST TIME?* *Babaych, s*ck* Under the office So who did what? In short, I specifically afk specifically afk It was genius Slavik, an easy victory for you was ye ye Almost won One word would be enough for you for Sanya and I to start cutting each other simply Yes yes yes even though we're innocent This is what I am talking about, I have a weapon in my hand and Sanya has a weapon in his hand, who has a gun, who has a knife Guys, infirmary, follow me, I finally have a quest Let's get in line, everyone here Yzik faster! We need one more We need another witness Yzik? Wait wait why he dont come? Hmm Why isn't he coming? Somebody still afk in base HEY STOP BLYAD!!!!!!! Im goint to check This is the Bakter this is the bakter, I'm sure I cheated you No no no it was really bakter! Yzik did it What moron would talk about murder? Only Adok could slaughter dumplings No no it was Bakter i know that! Gj, now kick Baych! i watched the cameras Babaych, you are the weakest killer I have ever known Not no, he almost won Listen, i found the body, i went there! EEE, 0 excuses, we don't believe you Thats all! Kick him! No no, i will kick Yzik He is suspicious What are you doing? I want to take a chance! Babaych you moron I want to take a chance! Danya f**ed you morally and physically Baych took a great risk! You got f***ed in the a** No, I know, well, like at the other end of the map, oxygen, we are all lost Jora straight away Jora Why not? Why yes? *crying* BLYAD SOMEBODY IS DE...