Finally, Star Wars Dogfighting Worth Playing! - Star Wars: Squadrons | Abbreviated Reviews

Are you tired of Star Wars games where you’re  stuck running around on the ground with boring   laser swords and blaster guns? Do you want  to jump into a cockpit and take to the skies   skimming the surface of Star Destroyers  and blasting rebel scum into rebel dust?   Well then you might wanna  check out Star Wars: Squadrons! Dive into the role of a new squad member in the  Imperial Titan Squadron as you pick one of these   handful of models to represent the character  you’ll never see for the rest of the campaign!   Join the Galactic War just after the destruction  of the second Death Star as you rally the troops   to continue the battle you assumed was over after  Palpatine was lightning yeeted into oblivion.   Roleplay the most awkward of silent  protagonists as you walk up to people   mid conversation and listen in with absolutely  no input.

Or you can just spin around and watch   people ‘beep boop’ all the consoles because no  one really cares if you’re paying attention!   Then you can hop into a TIE fighter and take  to the space to begin your space adventure! Chase down those fleeing Rebels slash  New Republic bastards and give them the   business end of your machinegun lasers and  explodey missiles.

Take on exciting mission   objectives like scanning things or blowing up  turbolaser turrets for maximum progression!   Then finish your mission just in time to step on  over to the New Republic side and start all over   again! Now you can make a new pilot without all  of the meticulous hair care or notoriously evil   British accents the Empire is known for.

Then  you can plop your orange jumpsuit ass down in   an X-Wing and enjoy the magic of novelties  like shields and a cockpit with air in it. Adventure through this story flipping  back and forth between each faction   fighting yourself and pretending you’re not  killing your mute counterpart in the process!   Then return back to each respective base  and have deep one sided conversations with   your squad mates about whatever random  events they feel like talking about! Once you make it through these 14 missions  of self destruction, you can move onto   the multiplayer mode with the all of the  useless experience you gained fighting AI!   Take that into a battle with players who have  more health and are much better at turning you   into space garbage! Now you can get into the  Dogfight mode where you go five versus five in   a team deathmatch using any of the four types of  ships! Whether it’s the generic standard ship like   the X-Wing or TIE fighter, the fragile fighter  killers with the A-Wing and TIE Intercepter, the   big boy bombers like the Y- Wing and TIE Bomber,  or the slow ass support ships that you always die   in with the U-Wing and TIE Reaper.

Load them with  unlockable weapons, gear, and all the cosmetic   paint jobs, decals, and bobble heads you’ve  wanted in the process! Now this is pod racing! Once you reach level five, you unlock the real  party, Fleet Battles! Here you can take the   dogfighting skills you learned in the Dogfight  mode and put them to use flying face first into   AI controlled capital ships trying to take  them out before your opponent kills yours!   Take down players or AI controlled fighters and  frigates to win a tug of war at the top of the   screen where, once successful, you can finally  attack the enemy! At least until they swing it   back and start their attack.

Enjoy the endless  pendulum swings slowly pecking away at these   armored death machines until someone secures  victory and flies off into the sunset of space! Now you can slowly level up in a ranking  system assuming you can get a match where   someone doesn’t leave forcing the  match not to be counted.

But at least   you’ll gain XP so you can feel the pride and  accomplishment of more cosmetics! Thanks EA! Star Wars: Squadrons, the coolest VR game 1%  of the players are actually playing with VR. It would be nice if they added more to the  campaign in the future.