Top 7 Best PC Games 2020 | Best PC Games | Must play Games.

Hello friends welcome to another amazing 7 video. the best pc games have never looked and felt better these days are bigger than ever, as well as more challenging and visually stunning immersing you in new and distant worlds with challenges to face in places to explore and they will keep you entertained for hours, days and even weeks, here are the 7 best PC games you don't want to miss before you start, hit the subscription button number 7 on our list, it is an eternal bane that this game it takes everything from the 2016 Doom remaster and ups it to 11.

The game is visually and sonically overwhelming and exactly what you would expect. A Doom-inspired fever dream would feel like a non-stop first-person shooter. Going to Hell to fight a variety of endless demons and claiming an invaded land to recharge your health sometimes requires literally smashing monsters and you need to get creative with your choice of weapon.Depending on the demon you face, this game is all about creating havoc and rushing into battle as strong and cheeky as possible, not only is this an amazing journey for the mom, but it's also a beautiful looking game that takes advantage of the newest number of hardware.

Six on our list is Red Dead Redemption 2 the most recent release of rockstar games was an instant hit on The launch of Red Dead Redemption 2 is a riveting western that follows Arthur Morgan and his gang as they try to survive a fictional Wild West as outlaws on the run, the game is so much more than that, whether you get lost in history by following each secondary quest to completion or just joining with your horse red dead redemption 2 is one of those games where you can easily dive over 50 hours and still have something to do, the gameplay is stellar and the graphics are gorgeous, you can even run the game in 8k if you have the hardware definitely check it out if you don't have number five on our list yet it's Death Stranding if the name Norman Reedus is what caught your eye when someone mentioned Death Stranding then a gift awaits you, this game he's getting a lot of attention for more than just the big names attributed to him, which incidentally include mads mikkelson and lisa do as porter sam bridges, atr You bravely twist an apocalyptic America to deliver a valuable cargo sailing through lands overrun by terrorists, bandits, and these invisible creatures called beach things, this award-winning action game is a treat for all your senses thanks to its great story, which you can remember the current pandemic, good gameplay, fun missions and awesome sound and visuals number four on our list is the elix of half life, no game has been Long awaited for as long as half life three as gamers will have to wait a bit longer for valve to graced us with what may be the most compelling reason to get a life elix half life elix vr headset half is set five years before half life 2.

What begins as a rescue mission for the protagonist's father evolves to attempt to steal a super weapon from the alien lords of interactive puzzles well thought out combat and fantastic story this prequel is a welcome dive into the world of midlife that has been universally praised for its quality, if you are looking for an excuse to get into VR gaming this might be the one for you.

The attention to detail of the half-life elixir shows what can be done with virtual reality when you take it seriously, number three on our list is control. it's not hard to see why control has taken the video game world by storm, the creative team at remedy entertainment made sure to pack this title with lots of love, paying close attention to the intricate details the deeply cinematic gameplay this action n adventure delivers its players an environment design inspired by jaw-dropping visuals and brilliant performances, not to mention a deeply satisfying combat experience, control puts you in capable shoes From fiery haired Jesse Faden, you are tasked with searching for the oldest house in a building in New York City that is in a constant state of architectural flux and only appears for those who wish to find him and locate his missing brother while he is they run the federal control office as their director and overseeing the containment of paranatural entities there is nothing like control on the market and it makes it one of the best PC games to play right now, number two on our list is Dark Souls 3, while possibly not that difficult, as previous titles in the Dark Souls 3 software series take everything you love about the Souls series and make it better by combining it with elements found in Bloodborne, the most popular title.

Recent from the developer for ps4, I won't sugarcoat it. dying in dark souls 3 maybe more than once it takes patience to master its complex combat system, but it also plays fair, making it more accessible to casual gamers so that they too can participate in its gloomy fantasy world on the side Positive, it is much more optimized for pc than the first two games now that you can collect remastered dark souls and see where the apocalyptic series began there has never been a better time to link the first flame, finally the num.