90 Second Nerd Board Game Review: Pendulum

90 Second Nerd Hi, I'm Bekah with 90 Second Nerd and today I'm giving you a sneak peek of Pendulum by Stonemaier Games.

My 90 seconds starts now. Pendulum is a real-time worker placement strategy game for one to five players that comes in just over the hour mark. First off, this game wasn't at all what I expected. Real-time sand timer games aren't typically games that i seek out. It's important to know that while you do need to think fast, it's not a dexterity or speed based game. Play happens simultaneously as players move their workers around the board to gather resources and achieve goals. The sand timers determine where you can place your workers at a given time. They also lock activated workers in place. Personally, I really liked the sand timers because i love games like Tzolk'in and Village where you use time as a resource, but this is the first game i've played where you actually use time literally. This game feels more like an experience, because there's these moments of intense stress followed by this unnerving calm as you try to evaluate the choices that you've made and you try to decide whether you should change your workers before the timer flips. Be prepared to be a little lost the first time you play while you try to formulate a strategy as you watch the sands of time fall. The asymmetry in the starting setup and the changing end of round cards keep your strategy from becoming too repetitive, but don't underestimate the power of your hand of cards and your voting tokens. Go ahead and put away any preconceived notions you have about this game it is a unique experience. it's different than anything that you will play and it will break up the monotony of your game night.

My 90 seconds are up. I'm Bekah and this is Pendulum from Stonemaier Games. Be sure to like and subscribe. See you next time. So this game can be a little hard to audit, so i wouldn't recommend playing it with a cheater