CGE - Alchemists - Complete game review

Hi, my name is Paul Grogan. And in these video rules I will tell you about the game "Alchemists", released in 2014 by the Czech Games Edition. In this game, each player tries on the role of an alchemist in the academy, {2-4 players} In this game, each player tries on the role of an alchemist in the academy, {2-4 players} competing with others in comprehending the secrets of his mystical art. competing with others in comprehending the secrets of their mystical art. Players gain knowledge by mixing ingredients and experimenting with a smartphone app that generates random responses for each game. {Book Publishing} Players publish books about their theories that may be wrong. Players publish books about their theories that may be wrong. {Selling Potions} Selling potions to adventurers and buying magical artifacts. They sell potions to adventurers and buy magic artifacts. {Buy Artifacts} Sell potions to adventurers and buy magical artifacts. The game lasts 6 rounds, and the player with the most Victory Points by the end of the game wins. {Game Round} At the beginning of each round, players select a division on the turn order track. This determines how many cards of ingredients and services the player receives, as well as the order of the move until the end of the round. {Cards are drawn from the appropriate decks} This determines how many ingredient and service cards the player receives, as well as the order of play until the end of the round. Starting with the last player, everyone plans their actions for the round by placing action cubes on the action areas of the game board. In this example, Blue places all of his cubes first. Then Yellow, Green, and then Red. {Only one action: 2 dice required} Some actions require 2 dice, and some can be used more than once. {Only one action: requires 2 dice} {One / two actions: requires 1/3 of a cube} Some actions require 2 dice, and some can be used more than once. In each area, the actions are resolved in order of priority. Once each has completed their first action, the players perform the second action in the same order. {First Round} There are a total of 5 action areas available in the first round. Let's take a look at them first. Each cube located in the ingredient collection area allows you to take one of the available ingredients or a random one from the deck. Ingredient Transmutation allows you to turn ingredients into gold. Used ingredients are placed face down to prevent other players from seeing what you are discarding. This area of ​​action is an artifact store, where you can purchase one of the 3 available cards for gold. Artifacts are worth victory points at the end of the game, but many also have special effects. Potion experiments are being conducted in the last two action areas. In the first, a helpful student volunteer will drink anything in the name of science. {Student Test} The first is a helpful student volunteer who will drink anything in the name of science. He will check the potions for free until he drinks a potion with a negative effect. After that, the student will start asking for one gold piece for his services. With the last area of ​​effect, you taste the potions yourself. {Self Test} In the last area of ​​effect, you taste the potions yourself. {Self-test} But be careful! The negative effects of potions will affect you directly, but be careful! The negative effects of potions will directly affect you, causing poisoning, paralysis, or mild insanity. {Crafting Potions} To obtain a potion, take 2 ingredients from your hand and place them in the cauldron without anyone seeing them.

Scan 2 cards to see what happened and show the result to the rest of the players. You mark the results of the experiment by placing a result token in the result triangle at the intersection of the two ingredients used. Following the principles of alchemy, write the information obtained in the table of formulas. Understanding what's what is a job for an alchemist. To find out what kind of potion you get when combining 2 formulas, find the circles that match in color and sign. Big in one ingredient and small in the other. For example, the green circles here have different signs, and both blue circles are small, so they don't mix. The red circles combine to create a healing potion. It is also possible that formulas cancel each other out. In this case, a neutral potion is obtained. By applying the principles of alchemy, we learn that the ingredients used to make the speed potion cannot contain a negative green element. Therefore, we can cross out 4 formulas for each ingredient using the formula table. With more experimentation, we will gain more information and get closer to understanding the essence. {Publishing Theories} Starting from the second round, you can publish your theories. {1 cube = 1 publication} The main thing about publications is that you may not be completely sure of your theories. These are theories, after all. {1 cube = 1 publication} {3 cubes = 2 publications} The main thing about publications is that you may not be completely sure of your theories. These are theories, after all. Choose one of the ingredients for the description and take one of the available formulas.

Pay 1 gold publisher, then place one of your seals face down next to an ingredient. You have several types of seals. It is very important to use the correct seal. Star seals should be used when you are confident that your theory is correct. {It is very dangerous to use these seals when you are not sure} Star seals should be used when you are confident that your theory is correct. {It is very dangerous to use these seals when you are not sure} Otherwise, if the theory turns out to be wrong, at the end of the game you will lose 4 points. Otherwise, if the theory turns out to be wrong, at the end of the game you will not get, but will lose 4 points. {Green element} and the color of the circle indicates the element of the formula that you are in doubt about. {Green Element} {Red Element} and the color of the circle indicates the element in the formula you are in doubt about. {Green Element} {Red Element} {Blue Element} and the color of the circle indicates the element in the formula you are in doubt about. {Green Element} {Red Element} {Blue Element} Posting Theories is a good way to get bonuses as you play. First, the player who first publishes a theory about a particular ingredient gets 1 reputation point. Second, at the end of each round, the player with the most seals laid out also receives 1 reputation point. Thirdly, if you have sealed at least 2 theories about the corresponding ingredients, the academy will reward you with a grant that will immediately bring you gold, and at the end of the game, victory points. And finally, conferences are held twice during the game. During this time, players earn or lose reputation depending on the number of seals laid out. And the buffet is always there. {Rebuttal} It is dangerous to publish a theory that you are not sure about because someone can prove it wrong. Each action cube located here allows an attempt to refute a published theory. To do this, you need to use another function of the application. You just pick an ingredient and then pick one of the colored items. The app will show the correct sign of the item. And if it matches the published theory, then the attempt at refutation has failed, and you lose a unit of reputation. If the sign differs from the one published in the theory, then you managed to refute it, and you get 2 points of reputation. Players who participated in the publication of the theory about this element lose their seals {Seal of the color of the erroneous element - safe} and, depending on the seals used, they can lose 5 points of reputation. {Sealing the color of the faulty item is safe} {Sealing a different color will result in a loss of 5 reputation points} Rebuttal does not cost gold or consumes ingredients, but provides information to all players. {Selling Potions} At the start of the second and each subsequent round, the adventurers will be tempted to buy certain potions. {Adventurer This Round} At the start of the second and each subsequent round, the adventurers will be tempted to buy certain potions. {Adventurer This Round} {Adventurer Next Round} Players who choose this action must first bargain using cards that determine the amount of the discount. Players who choose this action must first bargain using cards that determine the amount of the discount. The one with the most smiling faces on the map goes first. Each potion can only be sold once. Players choose which potion they want to sell and what level of quality the potion can guarantee. Quality levels range from ensuring that they match exactly the desired potion to ensuring that there is definitely some kind of liquid in this simple glass bottle. Select the Potion Sales feature in the app. Select the potion you are trying to make and scan the ingredients as usual. The difference is that if you make a mistake when making a potion, you will not know exactly what kind of potion you made. {This symbol means that the resulting potion is of the correct sign} The difference is that if you make a mistake while making a potion, you will not know exactly what kind of potion you got. But depending on the guaranteed quality level, you may be able to receive payment as well as some information. {In this case, it means that the red or green element is negative} But depending on the guaranteed quality level, you may be able to receive payment as well as some information. {End of Game} The game ends after six rounds. {Reputation = Victory Points} The game ends after six rounds. Correct answers are revealed. Players gain or lose points based on the correctness of the published theories they put their seals on. Points are also awarded for grants awarded by the academy and for all purchased artifacts. The alchemists challenge your deduction. But they are also a lot of fun to play. The innovative idea with the app has proven itself well. I hope this video was helpful and gave you an introduction to the game. Take care of yourself and thanks for watching! And I have prepared something here ..