Deleveled Video Game Review | Should you play it?.

A simple but enjoyable title Deleveled is the first game developed by the indie studio ToasterFuel and I must say that you may want to check it out before moving on to the video. I'm your host Justin AKA IDontBeatGames and I'm here to bring that nerdy culture content straight to your monitors, I'd also like to reveal that the game publisher sent me a review copy.

You like this not that this changes the review in any way but I thought the viewer should know upon entering Deleveled I didn't know if this would be a game that would fit me considering I don't play puzzle games often but I'm happy to say I was wrong about this, Deleveled has a charm, in fact it really got me thinking how I could come up with possible solutions while playing this game, there were moments while playing Deleveled that as soon as I was wrong I would want to instantly reset that level of that I could try new possible methods and potentially reach the solution of that specific level, even when I was stuck at one level.

I would sit there trying to think about the possible outcomes and mentally predict whether or not my ideas would work. of course when i wasn't sure if an idea of ​​mine works or not i would actually test it only to eventually find out i was wrong but hey it's not about how long it takes to complete a level right as soon as you start deleveled it throws you directly to the tutorial and it teaches you the mechanics of the game the controls are quite simple you move with the left or right directional arrows to move the two squares press r to reset the level when you get the two squares you control line up on the switches you press space to complete the level and that's it, however one of my favorite mechanics of this title is its star system when you complete a level, you normally get a check mark if you complete it without dying multiple times or not, however when you get there to complete a level level without dying the game gives you a star you can only get a star when this happens and as soon as you die you see a small animation of the star cut in half to remind you of this now you may be wondering what is the point of gather these stars well, the good thing about gathering these stars is that it creates playability for this title, you will want to go back and re match these stars because at the bottom of each page from the level selection screen which by the way there are 10 full pages of levels and more than 100 levels to complete, there is an unlockable level that you can play only if you collect a star for each level in that page in case you're wondering yeah I've done this again because I was so hell-bent on gathering these stars and I have almost three full pages of stars gathered with the level unlockable completed, there were many times when I thought there was no way to complete a level due to the fact that some levels were a bit intimidating as soon as you start them, but it turns out that I was wrong a lot of the trial and error I did while playing this game it only motivated me more to try and complete the level that I was stuck in, sure sometimes I even had to take a break from Deleveled because I couldn't understand one of the levels, but I would be lying if I said I didn't wake up in a new day wanting to overcome the level in which I was trapped and when I completed a level I was trapped previously you are absolutely wrong if you think that I did not give myself a clap, I worked hard to solve those levels, do not judge me well, another nice thing About the levels is the fact that as you go through a page full of levels, they are teaching you little tricks to help you figure out the levels in a new one.

In an example on the third page of levels, they introduced something new to increase the difficulty of solving the levels, added directional barriers that could only be crossed in a certain direction, and if you passed them, you could not go back. It sure was so.

A little intimidating at first, but with the experiences on the previous pages, I was able to discover some of these levels on the third page faster than as far as I was able to solve the levels on page one or two, all it took was a bit of trial and error, the next thing you know I was star hunting on the third page trying to fully collect the stars to unlock that star level and if You couldn't tell now I'm a completist, I enjoy doing this kind of thing well Deleveled actually contains a few more things worth mentioning when you pay attention to the details of this simple but suggestive indie title, the first thing I'd like to mention is the fact that when you turn on one of the many switches on a level The colorful background makes for a cool animation.

I don't know what these animations have, but they always smile at me every time I flip the switches. The next thing I would like to mention are the accessibility options in the menu. When you go to options, there are two things that can make a difference for people.

First, there is a color blind mode and for a game that is as colorful as Deleveled, seeing that the developers thought of those who can be color blind when making this game is a nice moment for me, you know, second, this game has so many options for languages, there are languages ​​that I personally didn't even know about it and I literally sat there scrolling through the entire list just to see how many languages ​​this game supported, so don't worry if you prefer to use a different language for any reason, odds are that Deleveled probably has it in the options menu Deleveled is a blast, it's a fun game that really makes you think and reminds me of the old days when I was looking for fun puzzle games to play on my PC before I got into it.

In games if you haven't figured it out by now yes you should take a look at the physics based puzzle platformer Deleveled Deleveled is currently available for 10 as we speak and you might be wondering where I can find this game, well me glad to report that you can find Deleveled on Xbox One, Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch for your PC players, you can play it on Windows, Mac SteamOS and Linux on the screen, you can see all the PC specs needed to play Toasterfuel puzzle game , Deleveled as always, I'm your host Justin AKA IDontBeatGames and I'm here to bring that cultu content ra nerdy straight to your monitors if you enjoyed this video game review press the thumbs up button if you really enjoyed press the secondary button if you have any questions about Deleveled press the comment section I will answer you, I promise, as always, let it be real with nothing but peace, love and positivity.