Marvel's Avengers: Game Review

Is the combat in Marvel's Avengers too fierce for young fans? "Next time, take better notes." Let's just say it's nothing teens can't handle. In this epic action-adventure based on the popular comics, Earth's mightiest heroes must save the planet from a malevolent plot.

"I will rid the Earth of superpowers even if it has to end with me!" As you'd expect, fighting is a major part of the storyline here. Players battle soldiers and robots, using all kids of weapons and superpowers. There's a lot of destruction with lasers, explosions, and the like, but no blood or gore.

Profanity, including the "S-word," pops up occasionally in the dialogue and background chatter On the plus side, the game's plot focuses on teamwork, helping those in need, and always doing what's right. "Thanks for the assist." Common Sense says Marvel's Avengers is OK for teens 13 and up, and we've named it a Common Sense Selection.