The Role of Bolvar In Shadowlands? - WoW Lore

Hello guys this is Doronsmovies and today I will be talking about Bolvar and his role in the Shadowlands. Seeing that he was defeated by Sylvanas and is no longer the Lich King, I will be talking and speculating about his part in the newest expansion.

So without further ado, let's get into the lore! Some time again Bolvar Fordragon was one of the most important paladins of the Alliance. In the absence of King Varian he was the Regent of Stormwind, essentially being the most important figure of the Alliance.

However, when Wrynn had returned Bolvar was named the commander of the Northrend expedition and through the campaign, he ultimately led the assault on Wrathgate. As he was betrayed by the Forsaken he was lying there in the midst of plague gasping for his last breaths.

Ultimately Alextraza and her red dragons arrived and cleansed the battlefield destroying the poison in his body and transforming him into a very vague living state. Subsequently, he was captured by the Lich King and tortured, refusing to yield and give in for a long time.

Finally, we led the charge, Arthas was defeated and Bolvar Fordragon became the Lich King. Partly due to him not having any other choice but mostly as a sacrifice in order to keep the Scourge at bay and as we have learned now the necessity of keeping the Shadowlands in check.

For years he was ruling the Scourge, albeit in a very weak way as he was nowhere near the power of Arthas. Bolvar had limited control and he did his best to expand his power in order to maintain order. He made a pact with the Ebon Blade where he would empower the death knights while they would serve him.

Even at this time it is hinted that he was aware what Sylvanas was doing as he said that she is upsetting the balance between life and death. This is most likely the reason why he desperately sought to empower himself in order to attain better control as a Lich King and to shield the world from the Shadowlands.

Unfortunately what he was fighting against exactly happened. Sylvanas ventured to Icecrown and without that much effort, she chained him, took the helm of domination and broke it. Therefore the connection between the two realms was put in danger and now we are venturing into the Shadowlands.

So what role will Bolvar play in the new expansion? Well it is first worth noting that while he was defeated he wasn't killed and instead he will actually do quite a lot. It isn't 100% confirmed but we do have some information. It was said that a new army of the dead is rising which is what explains the new Pandaren and other race death knights.

Seeing that he was a major influence with the death knights as a Lich King it does seem like he will be taking the mantle and leading the death knights as well as raising new ones. It looks like the Icecrown is the connection to the Shadowlands and it is hinted that Bolvar will be a key figure in getting us into this mysterious realm.

Now as he is no longer the Lich King and a Lich King doesn't exist it is unsure what he is and how powerful Bolvar is exactly. Previously Bolvar was a paladin and then with the dragon flames, his form was ambiguous. However, there is very much a big possibility that he is a death knight as he was a Lich King for quite some time, meaning that he could have slipped into undeath without a specific point in time.

We see with the official Blizzard art that Bolvar is without the helmet, with his hammer and is seemingly leading the death knights into what seems like one of the realms of the Shadowlands. Also, there is now a storyline with his daughter Taelia Fordragon that didn't even know about his fate but now it will be very obvious to everyone.

So there could be a reunion and some story development there. How I see it is that Bolvar will be on our side as sort of what Khadgar had been for us in Warlords of Draenor. Fordragon should definitely possess quite some knowledge of the Shadowlands as he was the Jailer of the Damned for a long time and I see him getting us empowered, leading us into the realm and most likely guiding us on what to do and what to accomplish within the Shadowlands.