Necromunda: Underhive Wars - Tips Trailer.

Welcome to Necromunda: Underhive Wars. A place where gangs wage endless war. You can't survive here without help, so listen to us. We will give you some tips to help you succeed in Necromunda. Not sure where to start? Our campaign will not only tell the story of loyalty, betrayal and brutal wars, but also teach you everything there is to know about Necromunda: Underhive Wars.

In addition, you will learn about each gang, its features, different classes, weapons, maps and more. the rest you will encounter in the Operations and Skirmish modes. The movement point system allows planning and experimentation. Never get down to business without thinking through all the options; you cannot know in advance which plan will work best.

And don't forget to watch out for enemy ambushes! Necromunda: Underhive Wars Cards. huge. They are full of traps and interesting items. Take advantage of the world's opportunities to kill enemies and move around the map. This is very important! Look for cables, breakable terminals, or ventilation shafts nearby.

Height is an essential element of the Underhive War. Climb higher than the enemy to gain a serious advantage. A number of skills can only be used when you are higher, and when you are at the top, you can block paths there to maintain the advantage. For this it is worth using ambush and observation.

These stances are very important in combat. They not only help to stealthily kill enemies, but also do not spend movement points. If you catch an enemy who poked the wrong way, you can destroy his plans, using only one fighter. Observation and ambush are not the only non-standard combat methods.

Weapon skills such as Trick Shot, Heavy Fire or Aimed Shot will also come in handy. Destroy multiple enemies at once, cover a large area with fire, or injure the most important target. You may need to break down barriers or use your House's skills to lead your gang to victory.

Or, conversely, they repair them. Sabotage and counter-sabotage are essential for good play. Consider them even if your gang doesn't have these classes. Be careful. Experimenting is at the heart of Necromunda: Underhive Wars, and it's up to you how to develop your gang and how to equip each individual fighter.