Cyberpunk 2077 News

In the latest Cyberpunk 2077 News, CDPR revealed New content via Night City Wire Episode 2, and a new song by Samurai, titled A Like Supreme. Both of which can found on their official channel, which I recommend checking out if you have not done so already.

If you have watched it, feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Previously it was hinted that during the game, V will be able to experience a concert, similar in style to Priscilla’s performance of the Wolven Storm in Witcher 3.

Marcin Przybylowicz strongly hinted that the Johnny Silverhand and Samurai footage revealed in the Night City Wire was related to this. Questions arose concerning the boxes found when enemies died. Senior Game Designer, Andrzej Zawadzki, confirmed that these boxes contain ammunition, while loot is still taken directly from the bodies of defeated enemies, this also includes the possibility of picking up weapons that defeated enemies were using.

For those who regularly watch my news content, you may recall I reported on a new character back in May called Wakako Okada. As evidenced by the recent gameplay, once again, my contacts in Night City were correct. In an interview between Pawel Kapala and VG247, Pawel explained that the environment will be highly destructible.

Citing an example, that if V hits a pipe with water in it, you will see water sprouting from the area which was hit. This design philosophy extends to most objects found in the game. Concerning the animation of character deaths, this will be highly dependent upon the power of the weapon being, used.

So, a grenade explosion will have a notably different impact that a headshot from a small calibre pistol. On the topic of legendary weapons, Pawel explained that depending upon how V completes missions, will impact upon what V might receive. He cites the example of assisting Meredith Stout.

If you continue to help her, you can get certain specific weapons from her not available elsewhere. These legendary weapons are very different and are considered unique. Their aim is to provide you with a connection to the NPC that gives them. However, while legendary, the weapons will still have certain behaviours that may not necessarily fit in with your playstyle.

On the question of whether a melee only build would be viable, Pawel explained that while it is technically possible to run around Night City with a Katana, there are situations, where it might not be the best strategy. He uses the analogy of trying to fight a helicopter with a knife.

Pawel acknowledged that they were not happy with melee, and are aiming to improve it significantly prior to release. It is currently better than the gameplay build presented during the hands-on previews. Limb damage will be present, so for example, if V injures an opponent’s arm, they might drop their two-handed weapon, and start using a one-handed pistol.

Pawel also wished to stress, that as far as boss fights are concerned, they should not feel like bullet sponges. Previously, I reported on a CDPR presentation by Tony Chen, as part of this presentation, CDPR released B-roll footage from the three life paths again, albeit in Chinese.