3 Game Worlds in VRChat | #9 (American Sign Language).

Hello everyone, my name is Crow_Se7en My name is Sha Hello, my name is Vally Welcome to three game worlds in VRChat. This game called, Grapnel Gun playground It's really simple and fun. You can play like the Batman Shoot the hook to the building then jump from the building to other building You need to collect all of the coins Look at this gun.

You can use it to shoot the hook to the building Then push the trigger again to increase the speed Also, you can change the direction by moving the gun And get to the different building This is a map You can see the bright yellow coins It shows you the timer.

You will need to collect all of the coins as fast as you can You see the dark blue orbs. These are the players move around in this map This game called, Balloon Battle Really... It's basically like Mario Kart. You know the mode that has three balloons The players have to pop other player's balloons until they run out of the balloons and they are out The last person will win the game Look at these karts.

They have two balloons on their backs The spikes are in the front of the karts The players need to hit other player's back of the kart Pop the balloons The player pops all of the balloons then will win the game This is the original udon game world in VRChat.