Cyberpunk 2077 Lore Adam Smasher

Adam Smasher, the Full Borg, Street Samurai from New York City, known for his philosophy that Metal is better than Meat, originally was a punk who enlisted in the army but was discharged for bad conduct. His mother was Russian, and his father was from the South Bronx.

As a hired gun he worked in New York, where his talents and sadistic thoroughness brought in enough eddies to provide him with guns, gear and an almost endless supply of one-night stands. On one job however, Adam had an accident involving an RPG, essentially turning him into a meatloaf.

A mysterious corporate benefactor decided to make him an offer he could not refuse. Corporate service in a cyborg body or death. Seven years later, the new and improved, Adam Smasher made quite a reputation for himself, ensuring collateral damage and maximum civilian casualties on all his missions.

Adam also developed a rivalry with Morgan Blackhand, who he saw as a challenge to the metal is better than meat philosophy. During the Fourth Corporate War, while working for Arasaka, it was believed that Adam Smasher killed Johnny Silverhand, which would subsequently lead to a fight with Morgan Blackhand on the roof top of Arasaka Towers.

The outcome of the duel was unknown and Mike Pondsmith had previously commented that Adam Smasher would not be returning within the time of Cyberpunk Red, leading to rumours that the full borg had met timely demise. Well, clearly Adam is a fan of the Terminator.

Adam Smasher was known as an expert in the Panzerfaust martial art, albeit it is unknown whether he invented it. Panzerfaust is designed specifically for full borgs to exploit their nonhuman physical capabilities to damage their target, rather than specifically fight other borgs.

Additionally, the vast jumping and leaping range common to Borgs allows them to perform long-distance kicks and inhuman dodges. If trapped with a hold, Borg flexibility and additional range of motion allow escape manoeuvres impossible for normal humans or those using Power Armor.

The effects of full-speed, charging strikes are devastating, with penetration comparable to shotgun slugs! His personal favourite weapon was the SlamDance Hammer. Adam described it as stylish, fun, and damn effective. In his own words: See, I'd been ordered to off the head of security for our primary competitors, and I was supposed to make a statement with this job.

Well, I eventually found this guy and cornered him in the underground parking lot of his ritzy-ass conapt I decided I'd let him get in one good hit before I dispatched him; I knew it wouldn't amount to squat against me anyway, so I waited for him to take his best shot.

Thing was, he was so scared that he froze, so I got impatient and took my best shot instead. I pulled out my brand new Slamdance, Inc. Hyper Hammer and fired it full-on into his solar plexus. The fat slob's whole ribcage caved in, some of his organs jumped outta his mouth and I crushed in the driver's side of his Beemer like it was tinfoil.