REVIEW: Carcassonne - Star Wars Edition

Great day to you all, it's Stellar System here and we hope you are reading us loud and clear. In today's episode we are going to review this board game Carcassonne: Star Wars Edition. Can we learn to play it in 5 minutes? What do we have inside? We have a manual.

We don't need that. A scoring board, some stickers of the characters, some tiles with planets, tiles with the characters, tiles with trading routes, some asteroids, more routes. We have dice, green and red. And we have some figurines. To start playing we have to find a tile with orange back.

That's the one you put on the table first and that's what I'm doing here. Then you continue with taking a tile and placing it on the table next to the first one so that they fit together. You can put your figurine only on the tile you've just put in place.

Here I have a planet, which you have to put where there is no route or asteroid. By placing the figurine you are taking the planet for yourself, but you can get points or it only after the planet is completely surrounded by eight other tiles. Of course you alternate taking turns.

And we've got a bit lost, so the manual was brought back. We were confused about the points. Basically, the game gives you different numbers of points for different tiles. Here I've scored seven points for closing the route. One tile with route scores one point, but the tile with a special symbol counts as two points and I had two of those.

Once you put your points on the scoring board you remove your figurine from the board and you can use it later. By the way, they say one game should be around 35 minutes. Here I've got another eight points for closing the asteroid field, each tile with asteroids counts as two points.

This is what I have, one, three, four. Four. - What kind of counting is that? One, three, four? - This is two, here is one dummy. Two, it means one and one. Does this count? No, I've closed the loop here. Finally some points for me. And once again with the counting.

One no, two, two, four, five, six, seven, eight. Eight points, for Gryffindor. The thing is, we did not get to use the dice, because those are for battles. The battle happens when there are two or more different players trying to take the same route, asteroid field or planet.

The rules for battles were a bit confusing, so we didn't really want to go into that. And here I've completely forgotten to place my figurines. Tatooine, Tatooine! I like it. Me too. I've made a mistake, closed the asteroid field. And I got eighteen points for that! The game as a whole isn't complicated at all.

It's pretty straight forward actually. It's just necessary to learn how the points work, simply how many points you get for what, because we spent a lot of time talking about that instead of focusing on the strategy of placing the tiles. This has been the episode about Carcassonne: Star Wars Edition.

If you are a fan of Star Wars we definitely recommend it, because of all tiny references from the movie, for example these tiny characters from the movie. We also have these tiny figurines with stickers on it, which I especially like. There are also special dice with the colours of the Force.