Diablo Respawned - Diablo Remake you can Download for Free!.

Hi, my name is ColdBeer and look what I have found. Some fans of Diablo just sunk countless hours and created a 2D rogue-like Action RPG based on the Diablo universe. It’s not a remaster, just a completely new freestyle Diablo game. Their plan is to make a game that collects and merges all the exciting elements of the last Diablo games with a compact and fast experience.

And the best thing is that you can already download and try the early version of this build - you can explore and kill some monsters in the Canyon found in Act II of Diablo 2 and you can also search for loot in the Cathedral from the first Diablo. Movement is a bit whacky for now, it feels like you’re hovering above the ground, but do keep in mind that this is just a 0.0.2 version of the game.

Anyway, huge respect for the creators for letting us try the build, because many other dudes who are making something similar, they just do stuff for years and years and sometimes it takes so much time for them to finish the product, they probably die from old age in the process and we get nothing.

Not this time though! Although you may experience problems by loading it, In example I had to run the program in Windows 8 mode for it to run properly. It took me some time to get there. Anyway, you can try it yourself, you will find the download link in the description.

Only amazon character is available right now, but later various other heroes will be added to the game as well as other locations, items and so on. The game is going to be completely free to play, and is expected to be playable on pc. I have no idea how they will deal with the banhammer swings of Blizzard-Activision, but one of the ideas is to share the product with as many people as possible, so if they delete it or ban it in one place, it will re-emerge in another and there almost impossible to stop a river of sharing.

Also, speaking about what we already have, I was particularly impressed by 3D cutscenes - this is an extra step or even an extra mile they went by doing what they love. I will keep an eye on this project and will definitely inform you when Diablo Respawned receives a heavier update or a new playable version, so subscribing to my channel is a great way to never miss a thing.