First Gameplay of Battle for Middle Earth REFORGED!.

Hello, my name is ColdBeer and I want to  share with you this amazing looking gameplay   of a Battle for Middle Earth Reforged.  This is a fan project aimed to recreate   and upgrade Battle for Middle Earth games. So,  recently they have released this gameplay video   where we can see how units move and interact  with each other. Also there is one surprise   that nobody of us anticipated. Gameplay  has no sound, because this part of a game   is not finished yet, so you miss nothing  by hearing me talk on the top of it.

  We were shown graphic customization abilities  - you can change them as you want and of course   if you work in NASA you can play this game  on the highest settings and not lag. Well,   the rest of us will probably have  to tweak a setting or two, because   nobody wants to melt their laptops over this. Game has a multiplayer lobby where we can already   see the possibility to play 1v1 or 2v2, also  you can play as a clan member, so I guess that   they have a few ideas of making a ladder system  or something like that later. Also, they have   already implemented button for Replays, so it’s  an educated guess that they will be available.

  Original Battle for Middle Earth  ran only at 30 frames per second   and this Reforged version is way smoother and  it’s FPS is significantly higher. How much   higher? I guess it depends on your machine. Developers say that all the units will look   awesome and detailed even if a camera is zoomed  in all the way in - we will be able to see battle   scars or even face mimics of the certain units. The buildings are also impressive. Not many   are made yet, but just look at this orc  breeding facility, the detail is stunning,   it’s really stuff of the next generation. One of the biggest change from the original games   is that units now walk around each other,  and do not go through like they were ghosts.   Implemented collision is a great deal to  immersiveness, because it’s more realistic   and does not trigger that part of the brain  which is responsible for bullshit detection.   Although this is quite unexpected, because this  will definitely change the way the game is played,   because you will have to think about surrounding  the enemy from as many directions as possible,   otherwise your troops in the back will do  nothing, at least until their brethren will   fall and they can take their place. But the coolest change and, let us call it   ability, is that you can take control of any unit  and walk with it in 3rd person. How cool is that?   Remember Dungeon Keeper where you could possess  some demon and go to battle as in the first person   game? Something similar will be implemented here.  Maybe. Developers repeatedly said that this is an   RTS game, not a 3rd person game, so it may be  that only a control part, but not the fighting   will be implemented in 3rd person. We’ll see. As for now, creators tend to avoid the mighty   banhammer of EA and Warner Bros. As I have  mentioned before, in my previous video about   this project, creator and publisher of Middle  Earth EA Games doesn’t own the rights to it.   Rights of publishing belong to Warner  Bros now, but Warner doesn’t own the game.   It’s a stalemate. So maybe this situation is  complicated enough for both EA Games and Warner   Bros to not swing the legal banhammer over the  Reforged creators head. We’ll see. Maybe they   could even make a deal and release a game with a  Warner Bros approval. That would be great, I would   gladly pay some coin for this without a doubt. So, subscribe and follow my channel for more   news about the project, I will post everything  newsworthy here and also a release date when it   will be available, so check that bell button  so you would get all the notifications.

  Also keep in mind that you can help me create by  supporting me here or on Patreon and help me to   survive in Eastern Europe a bit easier. Have a nice day and I’ll see you next time.