Otherwise, let us begin. I'm actually gonna start a new Shiny Hunt today. Or Toxel. I actually just dropped off the Pokemon there. We're going to begin our Hunt for the Toxel, baby. The Toxel is what we are going to get. There we go. So, we got the Falinks in the last encounter last night.

Yes. It's pretty crazy stuff. Last encounter yesterday. Let's get it. I did a poll on Twitter, we're doing the Amped form is what we're doing. We're doing the Amped form. I decided to go for Toxel. I actually never hunted this thing and it's like a pretty popular 'Mon in the game, but Don't forget every five subs on the Sub Train is a pack of Champion's Path.

Yesterday we had crazy luck, dude. We pulled two Rainbow Charizard, guys, the rarest card in the set. Pulled two of them yesterday. I know a lot of you guys are speculating, I did sell one of them as I indicated on Twitter. I found a buddy of mine who, who's very into card collecting.

He made an offer. It was a very fair offer. It was not the crazy numbers we saw on, you know eBay or whatever, but it was enough for me to cover the cost of the cards that I bought, so I took it. I was happy with it and anything we pull now is just a bonus and I'm keeping the other one.

It takes a lot for me to take the card, right? My thoughts is like I'm only gonna keep the cards that I feel like are more special to me personally, right? I'm gonna have a display in my new office for the cards at some point. I don't want it to be like 500 cards, right? I wanted to be more like 10 to 30 cards, right? Over the next couple of years or so.

Frosmoth is in that collection and Charizard is being added to collection as is my Rainbow Centiskorch and hopefully Rainbow Butterfree eventually will be added to that collection as well. Like I said, I'll be a little more selective about it. Which is why like I said, I do- Someone was like, "Why do you open all these cards just to sell the cards?" I'm like, "Why do you care what I do with my life?" But, I don't sell the cards, I just sell the ones that I'm not gonna use right now.

Plus, a lot of you guys all appreciate that more, right? Like if I sell it to you, then- Like I sold Drewnaw last night to a homie. Dude, one of the Drednaw? Hit me up. I said, "Alright. Yeah, dude. I'll sell you the Drednaw. Sure." So, I sold the Rainbow Drednaw.

It's a great pull and I'm excited about it, but it's not a card that's gonna be somethi- I'll keep the Charizard, man. I'm happy with that. He's gonna be happy with his Drednaw and everybody's happy, right. So, that's it. That's the other thing. Aren't they too like, people don't realize it's for content, dude.

Like I want to make baller videos. You know what I mean? And, not lose money every video. Like, I've always wanted new cards opening, but it's really hard for me to justify the card openings on Youtube 'cause the videos don't make a lot of money, so I don't really make enough to cover the cost of the cards.

But, now if I sell the cards to you guys on Twitter and stuff, then I could cover the cost of the cards that I buy. At least to break even, so I can make really cool videos, right? It's fun. If I make any money, I just put it back into buying more cards to get more cool videos.

It's a great system, you know. I gonna pull the butter for myself. Yes, I definitely do. I definitely do. Definitely got to pull it myself. A lot. I mean I've sold a lot of them copy but a quite few actually at this point. I mean we've opened over a thousand packs.

We're almost 1100 packs opened. Nice, Cyber you sent it right to PSA. Nice, dude. That's smart, dude. Smart, dude. I'm not gonna set my name, I'm just gonna hold it. I hate this event but- Shiny Doduo! I hate this even though. Hold up! jcard tries to save the Sub Train a little late.

Okay, well then. I hate this event in Pokemon Go and I got a Shiny Doduo. Hey! How was it- That's hilarious, dude. I was just about to say I hate this event because like the spawns are so big I can't click on the things I want, and then boom, Shiny bird.

And it is- Oh, 15413 or 15408. I'm sorry I can't read. I love this event, man. It's a great event, dude. Hold up. Pokemon Go you guys are doing great things. Thank you Niantic! I love you, except for the Mega Raids which are really garbage. Well, that's that.

Kirb with the 100 bits! What events going on? It's like big Pokemon event or some garbage like that. I don't really, it's whatever. It's like Wailmers and other things that take up my screen is basically what it is. You got a Porygon. A Shiny Porygon, nice dude! That's cool.

I don't want to take away from your accomplishments, but generally you can breathe and click on Community Day, you will get a Shiny. That's a good news, but congratulations nonetheless. I hate to be the guy who rains in his parade, but I had to say that if you can breathe and click, you can get a Shiny.

I'm getting an UPLIFT Desk. It's made of wood. It's a standing desk and I'm partnering with UPLIFT in the next few weeks. They're sending me the desk next week, so once I have it all setup, which top did I get, I got the biggest desk they have. It was the 80-inch L-shaped desk with the leaf to the right.

And, I got the dark wood, like the dark espresso top. Let's go, dude! Shiny Toxel, baby! Let's get it. Let's get it! Shiny Toxel. We're popping off! 85! 85! Let's go! Shiny Toxel is mine.
85, baby! Let's go. Quick Shiny hype! Let's get it. Let's get it.

Let's get it. Boom! I don't even know why, I don't even like go for the right nature. I didn't care, but look at that beauty. Rattled, Male, Fantastic. That's pretty decent stats. Let's get it. Give me a nickname, chat. Let's look at him at Pokemon Camp first too.

Let's get it, dude. Our luck is real now. We're back at it, squad. What are you doing there little guys? What are you doing there? Oh lord, he coming. I'm gonna evolve him as well right now. I figure we look at him while he's a little baby. Let's evolve him.

Let's evolve him right now. Not gonna leave my little dude. We're gonna make him a big homie. Let's do couple of, I need to get more candy, dude. This might get us to 30, 35. I could've saved one. That's alright. There is Toxtricity, popping up in the layout.

I spoiled it for you guys already, but that's okay. Yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! What's good though, broskies. Oh lord. He comin'. Yeah, you want to be in the band, bro? Yo, bro. You trynna join a band, bro? Yo, bro. You want to be in a band, bro? Oh yeah, he does! Oh yeah, he does! Look at him, he's got spikes.

He's a rocker. Yeah buddy! Let me get those nicknames. Let's go. Let's get him. I like the name "Jam", 'cause it's like strawberry jam. I'm gonna name him "Jam", dude. I picked the wrong button. I don't want to remember a move. I want to name him "Jam", dude.

'Cause he's jamming out, dude. He's jamming out, bro. Jamskis, Jamirooskis. Let's have him follow us on the aisle. Come here Jamskis. Yeah, buddy. Look at him. You want to start a band, bro? I'll start a band. Oh, he's coming. Sick bro, sick. Nice, dude.

Let's get it! Another Shiny in the books, baby. If you enjoyed this video, for me, I'm sure you're gonna love this video right here. However, Youtube thinks that you're gonna like this video. Check out one of my two videos. I'll see you guys on the next one.