Kaki Lima #2: Game Overview and Gameplay - ON YOUR TURN

So, this is Kaki Lima A game set on the tropical island of Penang which is in Malaysia and Pedestrians will be walking around and finding the best balance of completing the tasks on their Pi Mana? or Go Where? task list, clearing blocked paths, and exploring new places, and claiming Jom explore cards and also meeting with other pedestrians in the town so starting from the first player, we go clockwise and the game ends when one player checks off all the five tasks on his list and then after that, everybody takes one turn, ending with that player who triggered the last round and then after that, all the scores are tabulated and the player with the highest personal achievement score will win the game At the beginning of the game, you can start your pedestrian on any green card on the outer border of the grid.

Okay. And then you play a card to walk. Okay. So the Langkah cards have steps on them so I'm going to play a '2' okay, so this This card would let me walk two steps. Okay, so I'm going to walk one and two, okay and if you land on any orange card then you need to resolve whatever action that's connected.

So in this case the bank has this icon, which means you can play another card after drawing a Langkah card So You draw - I'm going to draw a card Okay, and then I can I can play immediately, or I can put it in my hand. I am going to play this card. Okay.

Which is walk 5 steps and so I'm gonna walk five steps I'm gonna go one two, three, four, five and land on the dhobi, which is also an action that allows me to play another card after drawing a card. So I'm gonna draw a card. I'm going to play this card and I'm going to use the booster which allows me to walk around blocked paths, counting those red cards as steps.

So I'm gonna do one, two three, four, and arrive in LUMA. Okay. Now, this location icon is a gathering spot, okay, which means Whenever you meet other pedestrians there You will score victory points equal to the number of steps you took to get there.

So how many steps did I take to get there? All together, from the start of my turn I took 5, plus 2, plus 4 and that's 11 steps. Okay. So, nobody is there yet, so I can't score it but if Someone had come to LUMA and then I can exchange these cards for victory points okay, but no one is there now so I'm just going to put it - put these cards at the side and Hope someone will come and meet me there and I can score 11 points, okay.

After that, you can check off any tasks that you have completed Just now where did I go? I went to the bank, I went to the dhobi, I went, I went to LUMA. So... I can check off two tasks on my Pi Mana? task list Okay, which is: draw some cash from the bank Okay, and also voice out my thoughts after a film screening at LUMA So I have done this So I've checked off two tasks on my Pi Mana? list.

And what I'm also going to do on my turn is to place a Jom token so I've gone to the bank, okay Okay, so I can put a Jom token on the bank And I've gone to the dhobi, so I can place a Jom token on the dhobi. Okay. Once I've placed a Jom token on all location cards on a Jom explore card, then I can claim this card on my turn And then I would return I would return any other Jom tokens that might have been on this card to other pedestrians and I can take back my own, claim this card, and later on I will score six victory points.