Cyberpunk 2077 News

In the latest Cyberpunk 2077 News, we have new artwork from the upcoming Trauma Team Comic series and a new image described as Print is not dead. Pawel Sasko revealed that one of the adverts in the game, Milfguard, is a reference to an Emperor of Milfgaard joke that Conan O’Brien made while playing Witcher 3 during his Clueless Gamer segments.

Conan hosts late-night talk shows in the USA. Recently CDPR uploaded an unlisted video of a Q&A that Philipp Weber held with Russian fans, although he provides answers in English. This Q&A video can be accessed via my 2077 playlist if you wish to check it out.

Nothing necessarily new was revealed about the game, as Philipp deliberately keeps his answers vague and this information can be found in previous interviews. Highlights from the Q&A include that the Scavenger gang was heavily influenced by Russian culture.

Russian influence can be found in graffiti with Russian slang, such as that shown in the Braindance Segment, or the Sov oil corporation from 2020. V can eat and drink, which can potentially provide combat bonuses. Items such as showers, toilets or mirrors can be used.

Mirrors and the inventory screen will provide ways to see your character, although Philipp confirmed there will be an in-depth photo mode as well. Concerning Night City population density, it was hinted that there might be special story events that will attract huge crowds, while other areas might be empty, as people avoid dangerous areas.

Due to the nature of the fluid class system, it will be possible to redistribute your character attributes and perks. In terms of weather, reference was made to potentially big Storms out in the Badlands and acid rain in Night City. There will be some specialist vehicles in the game, hinting at very large AV’s, but these will only be available in specific moments of the story.

V will not pilot them herself. The Delamain Taxi company was referenced as having some exciting adventures associated with it. V can act as a bounty hunter. There will by some notorious criminals in Night City, that if V takes them down, can potentially yield significant rewards.

With reference to Johnny Silverhand’s wanting to burn Night City, naturally Philipp would not reveal anything noteworthy, but he does refer to Mike Pondsmith’s saying, cyberpunk is about expedience, you do what is best for yourself. In an interview between Miles Tost and Gamescom, again, nothing new was forthcoming, although Miles did reiterate that the feedback CDPR received on such things as the driving mechanics, was not exactly surprising to them.

Miles would also comment that the population of NPC’s changes quite significantly depending on several factors including the time of the day. This was in response to comments that Night City appeared to be less crowded than expected, although if you have seen the recent Chinese gameplay, it already showed the variation in NPC density.

Cyberpunk 2077 won several awards at Gamescom, including the best role-playing game. Many have questioned why the game is receiving these awards when it is not released yet. The reason for this is that, quite a few people in the industry have already played Cyberpunk 2077 extensively behind the scenes.