XYZ Game Labs: Inoka Demo

Hi! Noah here from XYZ Game Labs and I want to talk you about Inoka This is a game that I designed and we published back in 2018 and it is a quick clashing game for 2-4 players and it's all about fighting chipmunks so, uh let's dive in! Alright, well this is everything that comes in the box You have 36 tarot sized cards with full art, sacred stone chits that will mark your progress throughout the game, a wooden advantage totem, and a cotton bag to carry the game with you on the go So as you can see here the cards represent the 3 fundamental fighting tactics Attack, Taunt, and Block and each player is gonna have the same set of 9 cards The beginning of the round, they'll select 5 of those cards to take into battle.

So let's see how a typical turn will go At the beginning of the round you'll have chosen 5 of your 9 cards and throughout the round you and your opponent will each show a card at the same time and you'll resolve the clash according to this hierarchy Attack beats Taunt, Taunt beats Block Block beats Attack In this case, Attack wins Whoever wins the clash takes possession of the advantage totem and then you'll clash again.

Sometimes you and your opponent will play the same tactic If that happens you'll consult the power level to determine who wins the clash. In this case, 3 beats 2. You'll keep clashing until 1 of 2 things happens First,... If a player has the advantage totem and plays an Attack that is not blocked, the round ends immediately.

That player scores a point and takes a sacred stone. If that doesn't happen, you'll keep playing cards throughout the round and the advantage totem will move back and forth until you've played all 5 cards At which point, whoever has the Advantage Totem scores the round and take a sacred stone Choose 5 new cards for the next round and clash again First to 3 stones wins! The 3 and 4 player game works a little differently it starts off with a free for all clash where all the players participate You count up how many opponents you beat and in this case the Taunt player beats both of their opponents They have 2 This player just beats the 1, so they have 1 And this player beats none The winner of this clash takes the Advantage Totem and get to keep their card for later use The losers of this clash have to discard their cards When you only have 1 card left, you're out.

Now the round will continue with 1 on 1 clashes and the goal is to beat all of your opponents in succession without losing the Advantage Totem. So in this case, this player has done exactly that. The round will end and they'll score a point, and collect a Sacred Stone.

However in the middle of that run if they lose the Advantage Totem, a new player will begin a series of challenges and they'll try to beat each of their opponents in a row. Otherwise, the challenges continue until all but 1 player has been eliminated That last remaining player is the winner and scores a point and collects a Sacred Stone As in the the 2 player game, the first to collect 3 Stones, wins! And that's how you play Inoka, a fast clashing game for 2-4 players.