GTA 1 like game - Smash Bandits Racing review

As a kid during the 90s era i was fortunate for having played a number of the best selling games of the market i got to experience the famous titles like Need for Speed Driver and similar racing games. Little did i know that the GTA series, the open world action we all know and love, started out as a top down high speed action It's debut title was named Grand Theft Auto featuring car carnage that was not a commonality of games at that time.

There's a similar mobile game made by hutch games that was inspired by road mayhem games of the past and that's what i'll show you in this video. Hey what's up this is Grave with too busy to play and let's take a look at Smash Bandits Racing The game places you the high-speed police chase where you, as a driver have unknown origins or motives.

Pressing down on the pedal as you start mayhem, the media helicopter follows you from behind surveilling your position The camera is used from a point of view similar to the classic game Grand Theft Auto. It was a lovely touch to present it in this perspective as it's very close to real life police chases.

And including voice clips of the reporter narrating what's happening during the chase adds to the immersion Some improvement can be added like a detailed narration of what's actually happening can add more tension in storytelling. Currently the reporters scripted clips can get a bit repetitive after a few gameplay runs.

There are a few characters introduced in the game such as The Fixer and Sheriff Mcbride of the SCP. It was a missed opportunity as there isn't much that was done to expand on their character and they were just placed there as prompts to your next objective or as a form of tutorial.

One thing that blew me away is the music The variety of music tracks are an essential for this game to make it more exciting for the player The blood pumping music makes this a hidden gem kind of game There's a good mixture of rock techno tracks to keep you entertained.

It would be a cool addition though if users can customize tracks and put in their own music as a bonus As the mysterious maniac driver you plow through city property to rack up in-game currency those points are used to upgrade your vehicle or buy a new car with even greater capabilities such as speed handling and ramming power.

It sounds like i'm talking about generic arcade games but the game design elements make it satisfying as well as rewarding. An example is how you can use your upgrades to make as much carnage as possible the more you upgrade your vehicle the more opportunities open up for you to destroy more of the environment.

The controls are very very easy to use. Simplistic yet elegant. No need to be fancy with accelerometer controls like in other racing games Just a good old-fashioned directional button control would suffice to get the job done. I observed that turning and drifting would highly depend on the car but you need to get used to the handling per vehicle Precision is key here because a turn too late could mean a damage to your vehicle or even totally wrecking it.

The game environment takes place in different areas of fictional US state. After a few miles of road you would end up in a mill or even in the city streets. Plenty of variety to keep the player on their toes. As the map is procedurally generated each new locale challenges the player to think of new ways to maneuver the police using the environment.

Gadgets are cool and range from practical to futuristic from basic ramming, electrified chassis to protected add-ons such as puncture-proof tires provide more to your arsenal against the police. This adds a chance to be more creative than just basic car maneuvering.

Nostalgic elements of 90s car mayhem welded with shiny features makes Smash Bandings Racing a well-oiled high-performing vehicle This game might be a few years old but this definitely stands out because of it's combination of good gameplay and design elements I'll rate this game a 5 out of 5.