Cyberpunk 2077 News

In the latest Cyberpunk 2077 News, Senior Quest Designer, Patrick Mills would reveal that all the main NPC’s V can potentially romance have been shown in publicly available gameplay and trailers. Naturally this might include someone who we only see for a split second, sitting in the Afterlife with only their rear end on display, but it still represents food for thought.

In the past, various individuals from CDPR have generally avoided the question, whether or not something like Gwent will be in 2077. Patrick implied there might be a similar mini-game present. He would reiterate that 2077’s critical path is shorter than Witcher 3’s, which might be a boon for speed runners, however a completionist campaign will be significantly longer.

You can have multiple vehicles in your garage, and you can choose which one to summon to V’s location. In terms of how many vehicles V can have, the amount is not currently available, but its implied you can literally try and collect all of them. V will heal over time, eating and drinking will assist with this, as well as perks.

Consumables will be an important part of high-level play. In terms of building your character, Mateusz Tomaszkiewicz, explained that if you want to level up a skill or a specific weapon, you do so by using it. This will be limited by your stats. For example, having an intelligence stat of four, means that hacking cannot surpass level four.

Concerning the Mox, it was revealed that describing them as a gang of sex workers is an oversimplification. Previously many sex workers worked for the other gangs, but they wanted their independence. Mateusz described them using the concept of Doll houses.

They can realise your fantasies and uncover your hidden desires. Meanwhile the NCPD were described as another gang of Night City, given their modus operandi. The law in Night City is dictated by the corporates and for the interest of the corporations.

Many members of the NCPD are corrupt and will turn a blind eye to gangs working for the corporations. It was revealed that when entering cyberspace, the landscape you see represents the brain attempting to normalise the environment. That means every person might see things slightly differently based upon their background.

Whether or not that is accommodated within the game itself remains unknown. Concerning the Maelstrom, they actually torture people by effectively adding more and more cyberware to their victims body without their consent. Hopefully you have now all watched Night City Wire Episode 3 on the official channel and checked out the Night City Love website, which provides some lore revision.

For me, the highlights naturally were more Judy Alvarez and the Moxes! And the Pierogi World was finally revealed. The PC minimum requirements are now available, which might allow some of my viewers to make informed decisions concerning their computer builds.

That said, if you are looking to play Cyberpunk 2077 at max settings the information was not helpful. CDPR have subsequently stated that they will try and publish configurations aimed at 4K, RTX etc closer to the release date, but I am concerned they are cutting it really close.