REVIEW: The Inheritance Games || The Write Reads Blog Tour (#AD).

Hi my name is Lily and welcome back to my channel!  Today this video is a little bit different to what   i normally do i am doing an arc review as part  of a blog tour for the write reads blog tours   i was provided with a free arc by penguin random  house in exchange for my honest review and for my   participation in this blog tour.

The book that i am  reviewing is the inheritance game this was written   by Jennifer Lynne Barns and is already out now so you  can go out and buy it you can buy physical copies   ebook and audio book copies. There will be links  down in the description below for links to go and   buy this book if you so wish.

So with that being  said i'm just gonna get straight into my review of   what i think of this book. the inheritance games  is a story of Avery Kylie Grambs. She is from   a low-income household, her mother has died and  she's now being cared for by her older half-sister   who essentially is a - i think she looks after the  elderly so they're very low come.

And one day Avery gets called into the principal's office and  is told that she needs to go to Texas because she   has been named in the will of a billionaire  and when she gets there she finds out this   billionaire has left her almost his entire estate  and she's never met this guy before, she has no   idea who he is before this day and obviously his  family is very very upset and it's all about the   family and Avery trying to solve this puzzle  of why has Avery has been left all the money   Now Avery i actually really liked as a character.  i wasn't expecting to like her because at the   beginning she was quite standoffish and cold but  i liked the way that she had this very analytical   view on life and i also liked how real and honest  she was.

She slipped up, she made mistakes you know?   she was told you have to keep this thing under  wraps and she immediately tella everyone about it   and like she felt so human to me and i really  really enjoyed her characterization. i also   really liked her friend Max and her sister.

They  were two really good female presences in her life   that weren't just there to talk to her about  boys you know? Rhey were both looking out for   her and they were the two people that she  could trust in the world when everyone else   seemed to be out to get her.

I also really liked  the family dynamics that we saw through the family that obviously she's  living with and i really liked the   sort of a very stark differences  between the four brothers of the family   so Let's see if I can remember them all  there is Jameson, Grayson, Xander and Nash    and i really like them all.

Xander is my favorite  because he came across as a sweetie pie and he   just kind of was trying to be friendly with Avery  whereas especially Grayson there was this sort of   tension there where you felt he was a bit more  sinister and then Nash came across as a bit of   a fatherly figure and you know jameson was kind  of the heartthrob bad boy i guess you could say   and yeah i really like the varying dynamics of how  she had these really different relationships with   all of them.

I thought that the book did a really  really good job of creating tension there are   three main mysteries in the book. There is why  did Avery get the money? What happened to this   girl called Emily and who is she? and what happened  to Tobias Hawthorne the billionaire what happened   to his son who some people say disappeared  and some people say died about 20 years ago?   and throughout the book different parts of these  mysteries start to overlap and things start to get   revealed and it really draws you in and there's short chapters which really gets the pace going   and makes you want to keep reading to find out  more and to find out what's going to happen next   and that was something i really appreciated  because with these kinds of books you can often   get lost in the family politics and the warring  on either side of things whereas this one, because   it was told through the lens of Avery, she was  completely alien to this family you really sort of   got to see the tensions and see how the house  essentially was a character in itself as well   how well the different characters were acquainted  with the house because this house is massive and   sprawling and every year i think they said Tobias Hawthorne, the grandfather, built at least   a new room, often a whole new wing, to this massive  palatial building and so it's a real like so many   different characters and so many different things  in play and they all bounce off each other so well   that it creates this tension it's like melting pot  of...

By the end of the book you don't know who you   can trust, you don't know who's actually trying to  solve the mysteries and who's not and it's very   i don't know how else to describe that other than  there's just tension all the time in a really good   way and in a way that just grips you and i really  enjoyed reading that because it actually was more   of a thriller than i was expecting.

There was a lot  of plot twists that i wasn't expecting, there was   a lot of leaps and bounds i wasn't expecting  and yeah i actually was surprised by how much   i enjoyed this book. i was a bit suspicious  that everything would be oh so obvious and   it wasn't.

I'm not going to give any spoilers  but there are certain things revealed at the   end that i was very shocked by and i think it was a  really great book in the sense that it showed you   the power of having an unreliable narrator  which is what Avery essentially is because   you she believes a lot of things and you're led  to believe a lot of things that maybe aren't   quite as true as she thinks they are and she's  also hearing things from the hawthorne brothers   who are obviously all biased in these situations  and you have to kind of unpick who's telling the   truth, who's doing it from certain angles, what  emotional investment do they have in this game   and that was really interesting because towards  the end of the book especially you start to see   how often everyone was telling the truth.

Well  everyone was lying but they were seeing it from   different perspectives so things actually  fit together even though you didn't think   they would and that was really really  interesting to me and i really liked the   slow reveal of how everything was connected.  now this wasn't a five-star read for me   and i think my biggest problem with  this book was that essentially after   Avery is announced as the inheritor and that she  is going to get everything and she causes this big   ruckus.

She eventually becomes irrelevant to the  plot because pretty much nothing that happens   could have like not happened without her other  than the initial she inherited this money   i think if you put almost anyone else into the  same situation it wouldn't have changed the plot   in any way.

Yes she does solve certain  things but often you find that a hawthorne   brother is already there and has already solved it  beforehand and so that just makes you wonder like   why is Avery here and that really bothered me  that it wasn't resolved by the end and you like   you you just feel like Avery is just there when  this book could have been told in third person   because it has that third person perspective  through Avery essentially watching the family   but it felt like her character didn't influence  the plot very much and that she just was purely   a device to make it a mystery rather than a  drama and that if she hadn't been there yes   it probably would have just been a drama and you  would have just had multiple points of view of   the different hawthorne brothers but essentially  the book wouldn't have been that much different   and that really bothered me.

I wonder if she  will become more relevant because there are   more books. i don't know if it's just going to be  a duology or if there's a series coming but there   is another book at least coming out next year and  i sense Avery might become more important in that   book but i feel like maybe something needed to  come in earlier into this book to really make her   like have a reason to be there because a lot  of things happened where yes i was worried   for her life but also i was kind of wondering  why she was there what was the point of her   character other than to cause this stuff  and that was a really unsatisfying for me   but that was only one small thing that really  bothered me i guess.

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