Top 10 BEST NEW Upcoming Indie Games of June 2020.

Well, it's already June and with it we have a lot of great games that will come out. Hello, welcome to play indie, where today they were counting the 10 best new indie games in June 2020. Let's start this month's countdown with something that is just so cute, joyous and stimulating, summer in Mara comes out on June 16 on PC via Steam, and it will also launch on the same date on the Nintendo Switch with a new release expected for PlayStation 4 and Xbox later, we think towards the end of the summer, how can you reasonably expect, given what you can see on screen in this video shoot. Summer in Mara is an agriculture simulator with an adventure exploration / app that will see you in a beautiful tropical group of islands and what also seems to offer a strong and compelling narrative, the colorful style and the charming and charming cast of characters are A great draw for you to meet and make friends with over 25 different people and create Atures with over 300 missions, all around helping make Mara a place all the time by keeping a devious corporation at bay, this new player It could be the best and best agricultural simulator that is available all year round. If you can't wait to play you can download a demo right now for free and like all the games in this video you can find a link to this in the description below and at number nine and june two on the switch with PC and perhaps other platforms later in the released year is essentially an interactive comic with each section or panel being a playable part of the game Right from the start, well, there are a lot of scenes in a narrative and not too much in the way of actual action or so far, and as we finish it, the writing is skillful enough even though the subject isn't particularly unique which said the way where Liberated drives the well-trodden path of a near-future dystopia where the ever-online nature society has given the ever-changing government complete control provides a gritty and intense adventure with sections of stealthy weapon fighting riddles and platform sequences . I love the overall aesthetic and how the story unfolds through the use of different characters and their perspectives. It is also a very relatable story with its depiction of social media. Tworks facial recognition systems, citizen credit systems, and a world where technology and powers control the few for clarity and transparency, we purchased our copy of released via Nintendo eShop this month, issue eight, we have something much more vibrant and stimulating than the previous game here without straight roads that appears at the end of the month of June 30, we have a vibrant and super stylish and versatile music based action adventure adventure game where music is power as you take on and fight an evil empire seeking to lead a musical revolution and regain control of a place called vinyl city in no way straight you can play. Mayday and Zook are able to transform accessories into weapons as you jump and move in eight different levels inspired by different genres of music, and by doing so you can face and defeat different enemies in time with music. it all looks great fun and something we are sure will have plenty of play time here in the independent gaming studio, no direct way to pc via epic play store playstation 4 switch and xbox one going to number This Month 7 The 1971 Helios Project is a turn-based single-player strategy game that seeks to offer a combination of military tactics and close personal combat where firearms and vehicles are scarce, although there are many disadvantages you can Find the hostility and hostility you play within a group of eight people, each with their own abilities and problems, as you set out to find the only person alive who can avoid a global catastrophe that is causing a new era of ice fall on the world in combat and The exploration is pretty straightforward, as are the skill tree leveling systems associated with it, which also use the Resource Management Structure which seems intuitive and easy to use.

The 1971 Helios project comes out on PC on June 9 on all the usual consoles of current generations at number six, and on June 11 this could be for people who like their visual novels. Bound with baffling sections that players spend days searching for a missing boy named Evan with a narrative that follows his exploits as he crosses an island that the boy drew her, as he explores he will uncover the underlying story as he is asked to undertake and solve riddles based on In logic, these puzzles are said to start quite simply, although they get much more difficult and complicated as the game progresses, including well-done pixel art, it all comes from a single developer and they were sure that It will be attractive to many of you with PC, PlayStation 4, Switch and Xbox One, welcome to the western Pacific, I am dr. Marie Soto and I will be your eyes and ears on this expedition, now we have beyond blue and, although you may have seen it in the first glance of Apple Arcade, it will arrive on PC and consoles also on June 11, now visually it is amazing. An open and open mouth sensation caught my The first time I saw it and, although I have been able to play it several times during the last 18 or so months, I cannot wait to immerse myself once again in the narrative adventure of a player who seeks to take the player to the heart of the oceans of our planet. This all comes from a team associated with the BBC Studios and developers of the acclaimed Blue Planet series, where they used the skills, talents, and brains of some of the world's leading ocean experts in their quest to create an almost otherworldly experience that you play as a deep sea explorer as you explore oceans with eight different dives as you can track sea creatures unraveling mysteries with the ability to interact with the ocean like never before, everything is fully voice interpreted and comes with a captivating soundtrack with artists like Miles Davis The Flaming Lips and Edison's As another nice touch, there are 16 mini documentaries you can find Entering into the game that provide even more context on what beyondblue is actually looking to achieve not only looks so magical and this is another game that will seek to stream once here, on YouTube or on our new twitch channel, you can find a link to that below and if you haven't already, follow us there too, who are you, where are you from, who loves you, who do you love at number four and originally advertised as comma when it premiered on Jeff Keeley's live show at e3 2017, now it's called it comes out on June 18. I'm really interested in what the developer is looking to accomplish with this now that you play as someone locked in the dark of a coma in what is said to be a unique and personal third-person exploration action adventure adventure game that comes with meditation. guided that is inspired by some tremendously heartbreaking personal experiences of the scent of Jason or the game developer that unfolds within your dreams. Fight the forces of darkness on what are called the twisted paths of the mind in a quest to awaken, and in doing so make decisions that will shape a unique and different overall experience. I am honestly super curious and how the meditation based aspects will work. The idea that they are being guided seems fine. I've said it several times in this month's video, but it feels quite exclusive to how it all comes together and how it combines. It will be interesting to see the exploration and combat sections, as well as the players and media response to something good, another game that seeks to take a beloved genre to a new place and a new direction of awakening will come to the PC first through Steam and also to Xbox one with perhaps other platforms to follow in the number three and coming out on June 25 on PC mobile devices and Nintendo changes the almost disappeared is a puzzle at the bottom with an incredibly strong and moving narrative that for some people, like the warning at the beginning of the game, will be very close to the bone that touches on some deeply heartbreaking themes as you play as a girl caught between life and death in a point-and-click adventure with him using an isometric perspective to alter the way you see and interact with every scene we've already played, from start to finish as this video is under embargo though it's safe to say this is very much an adult story told in a way that is quite unique at number two in the ranges of playing the demo multiple times last year, I was completely captivated not only by how incredibly beautiful everything majestic it sounds seems, but how beautiful everything is written. Honestly, I'm not planning on leaving the pudding in my mind, and while I still have to play the game through something, I hope to be able to do it very soon. Being one of the best and most promising pieces of interactive hand-painted fiction in any medium in recent years you play as a young woman living in the French port city of Bordeaux in the south-west of the country, you live in a stable place and uneventful life until One day you receive a package from a former lover containing a mysterious vinyl record that made him appear on the turntable, where he slides and supervises the memories of the past, he soon discovers that his present and everyday life has completely changed and To get your life back on track, you need to track down your ex-lover from all over Europe, and in doing so, you can also discover a few things about yourself in the game-wise process, and I can hear some eyebrows raised by that kind of claim, so every play gets you It will make decisions and it is these choices make it change, even slightly, your personality of protagonists and their destiny within the game without having many different paths and endings, music is also how you could expect a great part of the experience without having a band surround sound that changes and adapts as you choose you do throughout the game, but also in individual scenes, now I'm honestly very excited about all two grooves and i will do a full review as soon as i can and i hope i can call it a quintessential purchase for any fan of number one interactive Atlas Mons novels without having a surprise release the day before this video Scala talk is a game platformer from Metroidvania with very platform At the forefront of the game, we got a copy from the publisher before launch and trust us this is brutally difficult having in some places the most perfect pixel game requirements we've played in years saying they have a really healthy approach to death as it uses a lot of spawn points, so while you're going to die over and over again, not overly punished for the long back tracks, the cartoonish style of Oak's thoughts of holo night and Super Meat Boy, though unlike many of those games that are in a frankly saturated genre, the narrative is interwoven and well-constructed , that is not hidden, yes it is super difficult and I could add the accessibility settings, although if we love these games, most likely not, it is definitely one to see the moment you finished with this video, of which Thank you very much for seeing if I liked this video, click on the Like button and if you haven't already, now is a good time to subscribe to the channel with those notification buttons enabled So that none of our lives are lost as always, we greatly appreciate your support. Hope to see you all here soon to see more videos of indie games.