Kel'Thuzad Is A GENIUS! Shadowlands Return - Spoilers.

So, in my opinion, Kel'Thuzad is really a genius. At first, we thought this was just a power-hungry mage and he was one of the many that just sought more power and we kind of laughed at him when that entire plan failed. But massive spoiler alert, this regular mage has played us all, Arthas, Ner'Zhul, the Legion, the Scourge and is now playing around in the Shadowlands knowing what almost no one knew until now.

So what exactly is Kel'Thuzad doing? Long ago Kel'Thuzad was a member of the Council of Six and one of the most powerful mages of the Kirin Tor and in a way their leader. However, over time Kel'Thuzads ambition grew from curiosity to insanity in quite a short period.

He first observed the initial death knights of Gul'Dan and this absolutely fascinated him sparking his interest in necromancy. While the mages were all a curious bunch he kept insisting on studying this forbidden form of magic. One day Antonidas found him experimenting with the reanimation of dead rats and he gave him a slap on the wrist and he confiscated all of his dark magic artifacts searching everything he had, threatening exile.

This, however, didn't bother Kel'Thuzad as he rightfully so began to realize that the mages knew nothing and that there is so much more to life, death and magic than what Dalaran has been teaching. So he set out to find the Lich King whos voice he heard and eventually gave his soul to the Dark Lord, transcending life.

We don't know if it was at this point that he learned that the Lich King is really nothing and that there is this entire realm with the Jailer, Maldraxxus, the Maw and everything else but he was 100% shocked, scared and pleasantly surprised that he decided to abandon humanity at point.

Now all of you know what happened then. He caused the plague of Lordaeron, was killed by Arthas, was resurrected with the Sunwell, then he controlled the plaguelands than went to Northrend and ultimately Kel'Thuzad was defeated. However, since that point we knew that he wasn't dead as his phylactery was still around.

Now the missing link here is that something happened around this time since in the Shadowlands we realize that he is ruling a house in Maldraxxus. To simplify this and to explain in the least amount of words, Maldraxxus is the realm for the warrior souls and is like the military of the Shadowlands.

Before it was ruled by Primus the Eternal one who realized Jailer is up to something and now he has disappeared. Since the departure of the leader, the place has been ruled by 5 houses with their own barons. Now at some point in time Kel'Thuzad infiltrated this place, he became a Baron himself and he caused a civil war between the houses, creating chaos and as far as we know he serves the Jailer.

Now, this is where it gets confusing. Did Kel'Thuzad get through the Arbiter to Maldraxxus after death as honestly, this guy was pretty bad, sure he thrived in war so he could be in Maldraxxus but he was evil to the core. I don't really think that this was the scenario.

Here is the thing we learned Maldraxxus is the home to necromancy and that it is what the Lich King used to power up the Scourge and summon some of his minions. Kel'Thuzad was literally the brains of the Lich King and as they tapped into the realm he might have had access for himself.

So after his fall, he could have used his knowledge to take over the realm. Now here is where it gets even more interesting, what is his ultimate purpose? As the Primus said that the Jailer can't get to the sepulchre which could be the fountain of all warfare knowledge in Maldraxxus, Kel'Thuzad might be working to make just that happen.

That way he could free the Jailer and if he destroys all those houses in the progress he could become the ultimate ruler of Maldraxxus and like the second in command to the Jailer. Now, this is quite the position as he could replace Primus and this is the pantheon of death, the eternal ones.

The eternal ones are said to be on the power level of titans if not higher so Kel'Thuzad is possibly looking to become an Eternal one which is just pure insanity. Another theory is that since he was the close friend to Arthas he might be trying to free him from the Maw but honestly, I doubt it.

Kel'Thuzad is literally the biggest manipulator in the entire Warcraft lore and he has surpassed everyone even the likes of Gul'Dan. So I doubt he is just being a loyal friend. Keep in mind of course at the moment the expansion isn't even out so we don't know everything and we only have a few crumbs here and there but if the first theory is true Kel'Thuzad is literally a genius and probably one of the most cunning humans of all time, like a human dreadlord.

The guy was just a regular mage when you compare the humans to the likes of titans they literally don't even exist on a scale but now he is trying to become like an ancient death titan, which is pure insanity. Imagine having like a human boy, growing up and in a few decades of experience, the guy managed with his intelligence to trick everyone even death itself and to attempt to become one of the most powerful beings and forces in all of universe, like transcending all planets and all forms of life.

So if the theory is true and Kel'Thuzad really planned all this out as evil as he was you really got to give him credit. Thank you for watching. Check out who is the Jailer and why he is imprisoned by clicking on the screen and check out Doron's Academy for videos on real-world history and science.