VIGILANT - Epic Skyrim DLC inspired by Dark Souls.

Hello, my name is ColdBeer and in my searches for the best mods of our beloved games I have stumbled on Vigilant - a fully voiced Skyrim DLC quest mod teeming with original stories, creatures and locations. Mod was finished a few years ago, but at first it was impossible to play for English speaking players, because the creator of it is a Japanese fellow and he doesn't care about translation - he made everything in Japanese for his Japanese fans, so the English version of the mod was made using Google translate.

So, you can imagine what a mess this mod was - in other words it was like an non-alcoholic vodka - looks beautiful, but it's completely useless. So, one day a Slovenian girl nicknamed Aelarr decided to translate this mod like it should be. The weirdest thing is that Aelarr doesn’t speak Japanese.

Yeah. She just ran every text from the mod on Google translate again and realized that the application got way better in years - the text started to make sense - so she used her logic and skills of writing and created professional translation. Yep, without speaking any Japanese.

So, what is your excuse of not doing that thing you always wanted to do, but somehow you didn’t? Yeah, that’s a shame, right? So with the help of The Skyrim Voice Alliance Aelarr made a difference - not only translated all this beautiful mod to English, but also they have voiced every single character and made it available for English speaking players.

The mod itself is a strange mix of Dark Souls and The Elder Scrolls Lore. In other words - you won’t believe it, but it’s lore friendly. It doesn’t look like one, but it is. The Japanese fellow is a true master of merging worlds together, someone should hire him as creative director for some next dark and gloomy game with a rich story.

YouTube video source