Cyberpunk 2077 News

In the latest Cyberpunk 2077 News, a GeForce RTX Series trailer was released, which show cased some new snippets of gameplay, perhaps most notable of which was the Kang-Tao Robots. It’s not worth attempting to extrapolate any additional information from such gameplay, because those individuals who actually could provide something of value to our current corpus of knowledge, are not allowed to say anything publicly at this moment in time.

The specs on the RTX new cards certainly look impressive. Night City simply looks gorgeous. However, the question remains whether the RTX offers noticeable improvements for Cyberpunk 2077 compared to current GPU’s. Ideally gameplay footage should have been presented comparing RTX with previous offerings.

Speaking of hardware, CDPR would follow up on the reveal by making a public statement concerning storage space, indicating that the game will not require 200GB when installed, in response to a random discussion on Reddit. So basically, it is another non-story.

It also implies that the ever elusive PC requirements will eventually be released. CDPR would release new music, Hole in the Sun by Point Break Candy. You can find the full song on my 2077 soundtrack playlist or via the official channel. The lyrics are rather nice.

It was confirmed that the Night City media might react to a couple of events that happen during your story, but most of the time, they will not be reacting to V’s actions. CDPR announced a collaboration with Rockstar Energy Drink, although this is specific to the North American market.

Normally, this is not newsworthy, however as part of the codes you can unlock several Cyberpunk 2077 comics titled Where’s Johnny. Naturally the Cyberpunk 2077 IP lends itself very well to comic adaptations. Seems odd though, that given CDPR’s reputation for being gamer friendly, region specific exclusives like this are starting to emerge, which seemingly alienate large sections of their fanbase.

As usual, a cornucopia of fake news has been circulating concerning the reveal of Night City Wire Episode 3. This is in relation to Cyberpunk 2077 appearing at the Tokyo Game Show on September 26th. While it seems plausible that CDPR might show something new at this event, after all, Japan is influential on Night City and the home of anime.

That said, it will be CDPR who announce the date when Night City Wire Episode 3 is coming. No one else. The CD PROJEKT Group, involving speakers, Adam Kicinski, Piotr Nielubowicz and Michal Nowakowski, would release their financial report covering 1st January to 30th June.

Effectively the succinct version of events is that CD PROJEKT are financially very healthy. It was confirmed that the proper next gen version of Cyberpunk 2077 will be released in 2021. What you will receive in 2020, are merely minor improvements. On the question of monetisation and 2077 multiplayer, Adam Kicinski commented that: The main marketing push will start a couple of weeks before the release of the game.