Who REALLY Created the Lich King? - Shadowlands Spoilers.

Everyone that has followed the lore so far knows that it was the Legion and Kil'Jaeden that created the Lich King in order to soften up the resistance on Azeroth for the brand new invasion. However with this new Shadowlands information, spoiler alert it seems like the Lich King is an agent of the Maw and he might have been above the Legion and Sargeras the entire time.

So who really created the Lich King? We all know the original story and in my opinion, the new lore was just added to give it more depth and I don't believe Blizzard ever had this in consideration the first place, what we knew before was probably the actual story.

So Ner'Zhul screwed up, destroyed Draenor was caught by Kil'Jaeden, tortured and was put in place as a Lich King. Then he built up his power, took over an entire continent, manipulated Arthas, rebelled against the Legion and you know the entire ordeal.

However new dreadlord datamined information really changed up what we knew so far. Originally the nathrezim were the master manipulators of the Legion, they forged the armour and the sword and had essentially controlled the Lich King. Now, none of that is actually retconned but right now it just seems that by being master manipulators of the Legion they had also manipulated and played the Legion and Sargeras at the same time.

Nothing is actually 100% confirmed but it seems like the dreadlords have been the actual agents of someone in the Shadowlands either of Revendreth or of the Jailer but most likely the Jailer and they have played literally the longest con in all of history it is super impressive when you think about it.

The entire creation of the Legion was a ruse it seems like. They got all the cosmic forces in the universe to battle each other in order to empower the realm of death and to weaken everyone else. They played the titans to battle the void, then to battle the Light and life and it was just complete chaos for thousands of years.

Now when you have this new information in mind the actual creation process of the Lich King is entirely different. If the dreadlords are minions of the Jailer they obviously had direct access to the vilest place in the universe, the Maw. Then they told Kil'Jaeden we have a plan.

Now obviously Kil'Jaeden is one of the most intelligent beings in the universe so they couldn't just lie to him directly, so they let that entire orc invasion thing go to waste, they might have even manipulated it. Kil'jaeden at that point was furious about the wasted time and resources and the dreadlords might have convinced him: hey we can still use the orcs but let's try something a lot more stealthy and instead of invading the planet directly we can start everything from within.

Kil'Jaeden might have seen through this plan but he was probably desperate so he just went with it. Keep in mind dreadlords are master manipulators and when they go with something they dedicate themselves entirely. For example, they allowed Arthas to literally kill Mal'Ganis to make it seem 100% genuine even though he was never really killed.

So when you think of it this way it really makes a lot of sense, but what exactly was the point of creating the Lich King. My thoughts are that it was a plot to get the influence of the Jailer into the material plane and probably had something to do with the world soul of Azeroth in the long run.

See the helm and the sword is 100% confirmed to be related to the Jailer and while he was locked away there was no way for him to even reach this plane. However what we've known since forever in warcraft is that it takes a lot of energy to get something to the material plane, for example, the summoning of Archimonde or the well of eternity and Sargeras.

So the dreadlords manipulated the Legion and just syphoned their immense resources in order to smuggle the artifacts of the Jailer into the material plane, therefore for the first time ever getting his direct presence. Why I think this is the first time is because Devos was absolutely shocked when she realized Arthas was an agent of the Maw, no one saw this coming.

So it wasn't actually Ner'Zhul that was just trying to break free because he hated his prison and because of that he screwed over the Legion but it was probably the Jailer that was trying to grow his influence. He was getting the defenders of Azeroth to battle the Legion and therefore they would all weaken themselves, the dead would pile up and would empower the forces of the Jailer while the legion would lose their hold on the world.

With weakened control, the Jailer could grow more powerful. Now I don't think Arthas or Ner'Zhul were really that in on this plan they were probably just pawns, but I do believe had frostmourne grown more powerful and had we not defeated the Lich King initially Jailers hold might have manifested a lot earlier.

Jailer kind of failed in Wrath of the Lich King and then he hatched the new plan with Sylvanas to break the machine of death to strengthen the Maw and then to manifest himself which will most likely happen in the Shadowlands. So it turns out that the Lich King was literally one of the most powerful entities on Azeroth even more important than the Legion and that had we not defeated him the Shadowlands would have happened a lot sooner.

Now the Lich King is no more so that was just a stepping stone and we are going to face the true Lich King, the guy that created him. Thank you for watching. Check out when did the machine of death break by clicking the screen and also check out Doron's Academy for videos on real-world history and science.