Kia ora Koutou and welcome to the abyss in about three minutes there is no solo mode it is a game for two to four players, the game time is medium and it is a reasonably simple game that lives in a citadel under the sea intriguing and vicious and unpleasant it's you if nautical intrigue is something you want, smash your enemies, become the fish lord the game ends after one player has recruited seven lords, the winner is the player with the most points and you get them from the lords, location supporters, and monster token collection - minions come in five colors rated from one to five boost your luck - exploring the depths comes with risks and rewards pearls are the currency in this game at the start of your turn you can spend a pearl to add a new lord to the screen and then choose one of three actions: the first is to explore, flip a card, then in the order of seating, players can buy it if all pass, you can take it and then finish your shift.

A pearl is bought repeat this process with each card that is bought costing one more pearl if you reach the end of the row you must take that card and collect a pearl, all the remaining cards are placed in piles and turned over if you draw a monster card while exploring, you can end your turn and claim the reward here or go ahead and move the marker one step down the second action is to claim one of the card stacks in the middle.

Bring them all to your hand. The third action is to buy a lord using cards that this lord costs 10 and all must be purple. Take the lord and then move the others to close the gap. This lord also costs 10 but must include green cards and at least one other color and finally this gentleman also cost 10, but you need all five colors You can spend pearls one by one when buying cards also if the buying gentleman leaves this place open, claim two pearls then refill the row, keep the lowest value card you use to recruit the lord, it is worth points at the end of the game, some lords also grant powers when purchased or skills in progress when you have three keys, either from lords or from monster hunting , you must take a location, take one face up or draw one by four and choose leaving the others face up for the other players the location you chose overrides your lord's special abilities denying them for what would you like this game abyss takes what could have been a very normal set collection game and turns it into something quite special mainly due to its wonderful theme and great art.

Underwater monster policy as the theme of the game is not used in excess and the Lord cards in particular highlights the theme and is simply awesome game-wise, it's solid enough with fairly easy-to-learn rules and enough in the combinations of lord power and locations to keep everyone's minds occupied.

Players throughout the game, the best of this game. it's the satisfying jingle of pearls that fall into your cup when people buy cards from you, it's very cool, however the in-game victory point system may trip some players and the way supporters work is not intuitive immediately and the game definitely works better with Four players also the constant question of players if they want to buy a card during exploration can slow some groups a lot for a simpler set collection game, try the splendor and for something a Little more complex, consider the Abyss museum - a monster good time if you enjoy.