I'll Review Your Indie Game Trailer!

Want a review of your indie game trailer? Then you've come to the right place! Hi, my name is Derek Lieu; I make indie game trailers. I've worked on games, such as Firewatch, Ooblets, Subnautica, Spelunky 2, Manifold Garden, Sea of Stars, and the whole lot more! And surprise, surprise.

I like watching game trailers and reviewing them! So if you'd like a review of yours, just submit a link to ReviewMyTrailer.com And I'll give you my professional and honest critique. If you want to catch it live and chat with me. I critique game trailers every Friday at 11:00 AM Eastern time at twitch.tv/dereklieu.

Otherwise they're archived here on my YouTube channel in the trailer reviews playlist. I critique all aspects of the trailer from the logos, editing, game capture, sound design, music, title cards, messaging, end slate calls to action, font choice for ESRB descriptors.

You probably get the point. Everything is up for grabs. Since I can only review so many trailers per week, you can also purchase a consultation at derek-lieu.com/consultation. And with that, you'll get your private critique video, an annotated frame.io link, and a one hour call with me.