Star Citizen 3.10 - From Penguin to Planet | Abbreviated Reviews.

Are you ready for Star Citizen Alpha 4.0? Can’t wait to get your hands on that sweet Squadron 42 alpha? Well too bad because it’s time for Star Citizen Alpha 3.10! Dive back into the Stanton system to explore all of the new features and updates that have been delivered to the universe! Start out arbitrarily in the icy city of New Babbage to visit the thriving night club scene and check out the new bartender interaction! Enjoy the thrilling adventure of ordering a drink and watching them make it sometimes if they feel like it! Once you’re good and drunk, head out to visit the new store areas with the official mascot of Microtech, Pico the Penguin! Pick up one of these magical stuffed creatures so you can take it with you wherever you go and let it keep you safe from any nasty Vanduul trying to creep up on you.

Now you’re ready to roll out to Grim Hex to check out all of the new additions to everyone’s favorite hive of scum and villainy. Make your way in and visit the all new racing hub where you can admire all of the cool things you’ll be able to do there when it’s fully implemented! However, you can pick up one of the all new Electron weapons that have the unique power of shocking the sweet hell out of everyone in their way! It might be a little harder to hit those bad guys though, now that they’ve learned to use cover and won’t die standing in the middle of the room quite so much.

Once you dispatch of these arc welded enemies, check out the new body dragging system that you can use to drag bodies. It’s great! Now that you’ve completed your requisite murders, you can hop back in your ship and check out a reworked HUD that you can actually see in nearly 10% more scenarios! You can use this to take advantage of the new targeting system that lets you much more easily identify and focus on friends and enemies alike.

Just make sure to turn off this weird target lookahead mode so you don’t get motion sickness and get caught throwing up on face over ip! Experience more incredible new updates to the flight model that will have you cruising around in atmosphere saying things like “wow it sure is windy!” and then falling out of the sky because you accidentally decoupled! Head to Arccorp to experience the all new landing and takeoff system where you get to follow beautiful floating sky boxes to and from the landing zone or face an autopilot system that always safely navigates you from a gruesome death! There may not be any new ships to talk about this time around, but there were some revisions to the M50 and also a new Emerald version of the Archimedes that may or may not be green! However, they did sneak in one new vehicle for everyone who likes to play in the dirt in their favorite space sim.

The Greycat ROC! Now instead of salvaging, we have three exciting ways to break rocks in Star Citizen! If you’re like me and wondering what’s going on with Squadron 42, don’t worry! Soon we’ll be getting a roadmap that will guide us along to the inevitably more detailed roadmap that may describe a future where Squadron 42 has something resembling a timeframe that it might be released.