Baldur's Gate inspired RPG Solasta comes out this Fall!.

Hello, my name is ColdBeer and I have some news about Solasta: Crown of The Magister - game that uses original Dungeons and Dragons ruleset, meaning that here you will have to roll a lot for initiative, take attacks of opportunity, manage player location and the verticality of the battle field.

In Solasta you will take control of four heroes, each with unique skills that complement one another. Every hero expresses themselves in the adventure, making each action and dialog choice a dynamic part to the story. Developers say that you can create your heroes just as you would in a pen-and-paper game by choosing their race, class, personality, vodka tolerance level and rolling for their stats.​ Well, I’m not sure about the vodka, but if it was reald D&D game you could do anything, right? So it’s up to them, we will see.

Although when I tried to play the free demo, you can find it on Steam, the personalities of heroes seemed a bit wooden. I mean if an elf is a mean character he will always be angry and say grumpy things no matter what. I failed to notice any grey areas in characters behaviour, they were very straight-forward without any deepness in their actions or words.

I must repeat that this was only in a demo I’ve played several months ago, maybe they will do a better job in a full version or maybe that is fixed already. I... I just don’t know. The thing I liked the most was the 3D setting - everything is leveled, you won’t be waging your battles on a flat surface - because you know, you, like me, are probably not a flat person, or not anymore, you know, all those burgers and pizzas have done the job over the years and some curves and ups and downs is the thing you are used to - so here evil will easily lurk below or above you, or in cracks and wrinkles, of the earth, and you will have to think about your actions taking this 3D setting in mind.

Game is quite hard, so it will be a real treat for a hardcore RPG fans and probably no-go for a simple life loving dudes. For example I’ve managed to die in the first 5 minutes of the game - I just rolled 1 several times, few critical failures accumulated and my party was dead just like that.

All the heroes, all the mighty warriors were slaughtered by a few spiders. You may think that rolling the dice all the time is stupid, because it is a video game and all that rolling can be hidden, just like in many other games, and you know what - I would agree.

And for those who don’t think like that, just listen. If I miss with my arrow when shooting gianormous creepy spider, I don’t really care if I rolled 1 or 2 out of 20, because I actually did nothing. I never took the dice in my hand, I never blew into them for good luck, I never threw them, everything was done by computer without me involving in this action in any way.

My cat could accidentally press the button on the keyboard and the dice would be rolled. Can you imagine a cat rolling dice in the real world? Oh, I never thought about that. So, anyway, if I have zero influence on the outcome, why do they even show that to me? It can be hidden - just show me the damage I did.

If a game is turn based and we have more time reading stuff, that doesn’t mean that you can show us every unnecessary action. If you want us to read something in that moment, please better add funny animal facts. Like, you know that koalas have almost the same fingerprints as humans and can seriously mess with the crime scene if thrown into one? Tadam! That was super interesting even if I missed with my arrows and died I still would had a good time.

Well, speaking seriously that is a minor flaw in my opinion, just weird that they are so proud of it. If you still do not agree, show your anger by subscribing to my channel, so you could watch more of my videos and disagree every time. Solasta will enter Early Access on October 20 and the full game will be available sometime in 2021.