This is how NEXT GENERATION Engine Looks Like! | Luminous World Editor Demonstration.

Hello my name is ColdBeer and this time I want to tell you about the next generation world creation engine which will definitely be used in many next generation games. Or not. Anyway, not everything will be created with Unreal 5 - there is a new rival in town called Square Enix's Luminous engine.

It is currently being used to make the game codenamed Project Athia, which we saw being teased at this year's PS5 event. Imagine creating a 3D RPG game with this - you can create entire provinces of let’s say Skyrim just in a few hours and all you need afterwards is just to add some personal touch, bet the hardest work is done just with a few clicks of a mouse.

I especially like the forest at night, it looks majestic and mysterious and really dense, imagine exploring these dangerous woods in a real game, when you have no clue what lurks hidden in the shadows with the intentions of rape. So, to be short this video is a showcase of the way the Luminous engine's auto-generation can fill out natural environments with trees, grass, water, rocks and so on and still looks quite pretty.

As for Project Athia, it's definitely coming to PC and it is a third-person open world game about a girl in a fantasy world full of enormous beasts. It sure looks like it'll feature some platforming and give you nature-themed powers like, i don’t know, dendroidic grasp or nature's wrath or druid’s eeemm...

Druid’s eternal revenge. I’m pretty sure that those or similar ones will be implemented ingame. So, when Project Athia will be released, only then we can decide if this engine is a worthy rival for Unreal 5 or just a simple one time deal. Thank you for watching, please subscribe to my channel or I will delete all your goats.