What Will Happen to Zandalar and Kul'Tiras?

Hello guys this is Doronsmovies and today I will be talking about Kul'Tiras and Zandalar and what will happen to these two islands after the Battle for Azeroth. Currently, they are key locations, but as we are soon venturing into the shadowlands that is bound to change.

So without further ado, let's get into the lore! Both of these islands have a long and rich history, even though we've only recently seen them ourselves. Especially Zandalar as one of the oldest regions in the world and the heart of the former very powerful troll empire.

Recently with the Alliance and the Horde at war once again, both of the factions sought to find new allies. The Horde mainly to get the navy in order to destroy the Alliance. Anduin realized this and he sent Jaina to the neighbouring island of Kul'Tiras in order to bring back the old human kingdom into the fold and to be able to fight back and pacify the Horde.

With a long storyline both the trolls and the Kul'tirans joined us after much hesitation but the Horde and the Alliance discovered quite a lot of internal strife within the islands. Ultimately both factions were weakened and much of their original forces were destroyed - a large part with the inside conflicts and another with the actual faction war.

Still as we are now moving further from these islands and very soon venturing into the Shadowlands, so what will happen to Zandalar and Kul'Tiras after the Battle for Azeroth? Well in regards to Zandalar. The civil war took a really heavy toll on the trolls.

The prophet Zul had long planned to overthrow Rastakhan and with the blood trolls and the titan experiment G'Huun he was nearly successful. A very difficult civil war ensued and after nearly beating Zul and the blood trolls the seal was destroyed and G'huun was freed.

Luckily before he could fully break free and gain power the adventurers had stormed his temple and put an end to him. However, troubles only began piling up for the trolls as the Alliance had now invaded. They faked an attack in Nazmir which drew in most of the Zandalar army and instead they sieged the city with little defence.

Through explosives, they destroyed the Golden fleet docked within the port and ultimately the king Rastakhan was killed. Now his daughter Talanji would take control and things would calm down with further fights against Azshara and N'Zoth. Still what does the future hold for the Zandalari? Well, I would speculate that they lost a significant amount of troops and that they are much weaker.

First off the Zandalari had constantly battled us for the past 10 years and had drastically failed. Now they had a civil war, they had to face the blood trolls, the alliance and their fabled fleet was destroyed. So, in my opinion, they are no longer a significant power.

My speculation is that the internal strife within the island had calmed down and that now they will work on rebuilding. Some will help us in the Shadowlands but the majority is most likely going to work on restoring the empire and reconstructing the fleet which is going to take quite some time.

I do see the Horde aiding them in this process now with Sylvanas gone providing the workforce and the material. Also they are now a notable part of the Horde and are opened up to new markets increasing wealth and prosperity. Still it will be a long time until Zandalar will return to it's place as a strong regional power.

In terms of Kul'Tiras when Jaina had arrived the entire place was a mess. Riddled with pirates, crime, corruption, old god influence as well as a civil war about to engulf the island. Lady Ashenvane had betrayed and sought to overthrow the house Proudmore.

On top of that the core of the Kul'Tiran military might, their fleet was missing. Ultimately they reigned supreme and managed to take control over the island. Jaina would become the new ruler of Kul'Tiras and the kingdom rejoined the Alliance. Still the war was difficult and even the winning side suffered moderate casualties.

The fabled fleet had also returned which was missing due to the interference of Queen Azshara. Ultimately the kingdom consolidated and they went on to fight the Horde. They invaded Zandalar and destroyed most of the troll armada. However, they didn't have it much better fate as many Kul'tiran ships were destroyed when the sea opened as Azshara set her plan in motion.

We know for sure that the Kul'Tiran fleet was crippled but we don't know to what extent. If we go by the cinematic many ships were indeed shattered but it is entirely possible that a portion still remains within the island. Regardless much like the Zandalari the Kul'Tirans had also suffered a lot.

There were plenty of casualties for a small island and their main part of the military the navy was heavily weakened. I see the human kingdom taking a long time to rebuild once again and to reach it's former glory however with Jaina now leading and the Alliance leaning more on the side of victory in this war I think they will have the more resources and that the rebuilding process will take much less time.

Nonetheless I assume the fate of both islands will be very similar, reparing and restoring and then mainly obscurity. We might have some isolated appearances, maybe some invasions or new threats that would be mini events but overall I do believe that the island would suffer a similar fate as most other zones after their expansion had ended.

Still, the Zandalari and the Kul'Tirans as allied races will continue to play a role within their factions. Thank you for watching. Do check out who would win in a battle between Arthas and Sylvanas by clicking on the screen and also check out the second channel Doron's Academy for videos on real-world history and science.