SLEEPING QUEENS - Board Game Review

Hello everyone and welcome back to Nerd Shelves. My name is Michael and today we are going to review Sleeping Queen's Sleeping Queen's is a fun card game that I really love to play with my family. This game is great for children. I loved playing it because it helps them with their math and it helps them learn to add because there's a little bit of addition and it's also just a fun game and it's about kings and queens and yes it's just a very fun family waiting card game , so join me at the table when we take a look at Sleeping Queens in Sleeping Queens, players take turns playing cards from their hands in hopes of waking Queens up from the center of the table as the first player to pick up five queens or have 50 points in a 2 to 3 player game or collect 4 queens or have 40 points in a 4 to 5 player game is the winner of Sleeping Queens Sleeping Queens consists of two different decks: the green back cards they are queen cards and are placed face down in the center of the table. These are the cards that the players are trying to collect. Purple cards are the cards that players will use to perform actions. Great, it is a fantastic art, it has queens, kings, jesters, magic potions and magic wands, that the art is perfect. I love it and that theme is great. potions really works well with my daughters. This game has a little understanding that you can draw cards from other players, but it doesn't have a law, it won't, people won't get mad or angry. it's not a really bad game that being s help can do things that take cards from other players so there's a little bit of that so it's always great it's not a long game depending on how many players you have change how many queens you need or how many points you need, but no don't take you always know we can finish a game in 20 minutes, no problem the last time I played, my four year old really beat me. I swear it in about 10 minutes, it was that she had five queens and I only had one, so there is a bit of luck too, but it is. I have a lot of fun. I am not going to lie. I like very heavy strategy games, but this is also fun, so he's asleep. If you go ahead and hit the subscribe button, now go get another game off your nerdy bookshelves.
