Empire Of Sin - Turn Based RPG involving 1920's Gangsters | Release Date and Price.

Hello, my name is ColdBeer and recently Empire of The Sun - the turn-based RPG without any elves, trolls, aliens and dragons released a new trailer where they announced the release date and price of the game. The setting of Empire of the Sun is not what I’m used to - turn-based RPG games are usually set in fantasy world where you have to use magic in order to kill some evil bastard with your fireballs or just balls if they are humongous or with your rusty but trusty lasers burn additional holes in alien bodies.

Empire of the Sun is nothing like that - action is set in 1920’s Chicago and puts you at the heart of the ruthless criminal underworld Prohibition-era. Prohibition is the worst nightmare of any vodka or just any alcohol lover in general - it’s when the country bans all alcohol and in order to get drunk, you have to make your own.

Or buy some in shady markets, or... make it and sell it yourself. Or go to a way better country and import it to your shitty by contraband. Or just go to a shady illegal bar and get drunk there. While searching for information about prohibition I have found some interesting digits.

If you think that it was terribly expensive to get alcohol in the Prohibition era you might be surprised. For example nowadays in my country Lithuania, which is a member of European Union, in a decent restaurant, one beer glass costs about 4 euros. That is 4,70 USD dollars.

And in the USA Prohibition era one pint of beer was priced 0,25 cents. If you keep inflation in mind that is about 3 dollars and 67 cents in today’s money. So, getting drunk in a bar in the USA in Prohibition era was cheaper than getting drunk in my free country right now.

That is fucking ridiculous. We should riot. So here, in Empire of the Sun you will slip into the shoes of one of the fourteen real and historically inspired mob bosses such as Al Capone and assemble a rag-tag gang. Here you will build and manage your criminal empire, and defend your stuff from rival gangs.

It’s up to you to hustle, charm, and intimidate your way to the top and do whatever it takes to stay there. Game has not only RPG and turn-based elements implemented, here you will also have to manage your shady empire: run Chicago’s underworld economy with business savvy, brutality or city-wide notoriety.

Strategically manage your establishments such as speakeasies, supply chains, casinos and more. Game will be released on December 1st and will cost you about 40 euros. You will be able to play it on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Windows and Mac OS.

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