I'll just leave this in the PC and I'll hunt in the WIld Area or whatever we're gonna do next. I'm not sure yet. I didn't expect to get it in 5 eggs per se, so that's a thing, but- All right. So, we don't get a second Shiny. What, what, what a fail. You know? You show off, you think you're gonna get a Shiny, and then- More fossils? Oh gosh. Imagine, imagine we're doing fossils, Galarian Farfetch'd. I'd have to hatch that, I think. I mean, yeah, I mean there's stuff that I don't have, but like do I really want to hunt them right now? I could do- I don't know if I want to do that, though. I can do a pile of sand. I could bash into a bunch of sandy gas in the beach and hope for the best. To get stuff that maybe I've never hunted before? You know? I mean I don't have Yamper, like that super spoopy is getting a Yamper. I actually don't have Yamper yet. And, we got to get one eventually, right? Do I- Yeah. Dude, let's just do Yamper, man. I need Yamper anyway. I, I've been putting it off, 'cause I'll be honest, like I'm one of the people who actually doesn't really like Yamper that much, but I got to do it anyway eventually, right? So- I mean it is cute, don't get me wrong. It's cutie, but I'm gonna bash into him outside, though I think. Shinx was not enough punishment for me. But, I better get this thing before Crown Tundra comes. That's all I care about. I think I just throw a Static in the front of my party. And then, you know, we grab Gallade, and I think you just bash into him. Seems pretty solid. You should actually see them quite frequently, obviously. Yeah. We're out too Static. Should be fine. Maybe get a marked Shiny Yamper as well. It's outside Turffield.

Route 4. Oh, it is, it is a higher percentage there. It is a higher percentage on Route 4, but that, that patch of grass is really annoying, though. Okay. Yeah, that's much better. Oh, it has Electrike too? Oh, yeah. True. Yeah. It's gonna make Electrikes spawn more. I think I'm actually better off here on the fact that like, even though it's a lower percentage to see the Yamper, it'll stand out. I mean, there's three Yampers right there, right? Let's just do this. You don't care about Hidden Ability? No, 'cause Strong Jaw and Competitive are both viable, and you know, we can always get the Ability Patches, baby! I can never figure it out how do you get competitively trained 'Mons. Yeah. I train them up myself. Yeah, that's how. "!ev" in the chat is a EV guide on how to EV train. "!breed" in the chat is a breeding guide to get the base of the Pokemon set up. It's, it's kind of second nature once you do it enough. It's not that bad. You know, I could probably train up a full team of six from scratch right now, and in about, you know, prolly an hour? If I, you know, if I have the six, you know, Pokemon from scratch, I mean. Depends if I have to like, breed them, but it's not that bad. Like, my WBE team every week takes like about an hour. What do you think about the theory that Megas are coming back to Crown Tundra? I do not believe that Megas are returning in Crown Tundra. I do not believe. Could I be wrong? Of course! Of course. I never claimed to always be right. Just a lot of the time, but I really, I really don't think they're coming back. I really don't. I don't, I don't see why they would. I think anyone who says they're coming back is, you know, they're just guessing. Just- But, simultaneously admittedly, I'm guessing that they aren't coming back, so it's all just a whole lot of guessing going on here. There's, there's no way to know at this point. I don't think they will come back, though. I don't see why they would. There's not really any reason to. Not in this game, you know? Thought you had an uncle at Game Freak? I have an uncle who works in Nintendo. Yeah. Uncle Cris, man. Chilling at Nintendo, doing big things. So, I think the Mega Stones are in the game file rooney, but they've been there since the game first came out. They're just like leftover data. Like, the Explorer Kits in the game files, Pokeradar. I mean these stuff has been in the game files since the game like came out. Not even the DLC, just like regular base Sword and Shield. That stuff have been there. It's just, it's just placeholder leftover data, whatever. Doesn't necessarily mean anything at this point. Oh, I totally hoped Megas come back. I just don't anticipate them to come back. If Megas get added, can we cancel aDrive? Sure. Please do. End my suffering. What time does Surprise Egg Saturday start in Western Time? Again, there's this amazing website called "Google", where you can actually do time conversion for your own time zone. So, Imma ask you to do that so you don't ask me to try to convert the time for 950 people in the chat. You know what I mean? Sorry. That attitude, though. That's not attitude. That's just me being honest. Would you rather me be fluffy and fake the whole time? Aw. Well, thank you so much. Let me tell you what time it is if I convert it, because it's very clear that you can't do it yourself. Don't worry, I'll hold your hand and give you a hug, and I'll tuck you into bedtime. No, look it up yourself, bro. You have to be 13 to be on this website. If you could be 13 and find my stream, you could be grown up enough to learn to google. You want a hug? You got a hug, Scarlet. FoxCat's here! 11 months of love! Only 1 month to go to get to the big year of hype. I'm gonna play it on stream, Raph. Yeah, we're gonna play on stream. Why Pikachu? Pikachu's got the Static ability which increases the chances of finding an Electric-type Pokemon in the wild, which increases the spawns of Yampers, making me find a bunch of little corgis everywhere. That's Shiny! That's it! Yeah! Dude, 685! Let's go! Oh man! Shiny Yamper on screen! Didn't expect that after over 5500. After over 5500 for Shinx, we bounced back. Caught a bounce back, baby. Dude, we are popping off on Shinies, lately. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. What do I have? I don't think I have anything good, do I? No, I don't. I do have Quick Balls, though. I feel like Quick Balls's kind of good. We just Quick Ball it, dude, to be honest.

Yo, 685?! Wait. Did the Shiny hunting method worked in this game? Dude, it's the title. Whoa one and whoa two, coming in hot. Let's Quick Ball it. Dude, I can't believe it. Crit. Critical capture. Let's brush our shoulders off. Let's get it.

220 on the- Can I keep this, this Shiny luck going into the Tundra? That would be swell, dude. Can we keep it going to the Tundra? 685?! Like, what is that. Yo. Yo, Ziur, thanks for the love, man.

685. And, now I'm gonna evolve this beauty into a Boltund. Will it have a mark, though? Let's see. Do we go back-to-back? No. I can't believe we just got that so fast. All right. Let's save the game. I can't believe that was Shiny, like I, I noticed it pretty quickly too. I just need a confirmation. Will it be marked? That is the question. Nature guesses on this beauty. I'm gonna say it's gonna be Quirky nature. Hardy nature. Ah, no mark. No mark. No mark. That's a bummer. That's a bummer. No mark. It's got Ball Fetch, though. Super cute. Let's evolve it into a Boltund. And then, we'll be good to go. I love how the only Shinies I've gotten marks on are the ones that I've taken like 10 years to get. What level does thing evolve? I mean look. Prolly like 20? Look at those stats. Pretty good. Very good. Pretty good. Gonna go fetch some balls, baby.

Level 25! Oh, man. What a win, team. That was, that was quite, quite good actually. There it is! Boltund is ours. I'll take it. Shiny Sunday in full effect, dude. Hello, doggo! How art thou? Come here, doggy! Aw. So happy. Super speedy doggo. We only got about a minute left on our sub train. Back-to-back! I mean, Shiny. Non-Shiny, Shiny. No. All right. What are we naming him? Bolt? What a name. Imma name it "Liz" after the Queen of England. How's that? There you go combs, just for you. It's just Liz. All right. What Shinies in Sword and Shield do I not have yet? Galarian Stunfisk? Oh, snap. Question. If I go in the cave, and I ran into Galarian Stunfisk throughout the cave, does it just like keep respawning if I leave the cave and come back? Or like, what, what's, how do people hunt that thing? 'Cause I'm about it. I'm gonna hate my life for doing it, but like I'm about it. Like, we're, we're at the point now where we're just, we're just yoloing anyway. If you guys enjoyed this video, you should definitely check out this one right here. Otherwise, this one's pretty awesome too. Check out one of my videos, subscribe, and I'll see you guys next time.