Is NBA 2K21 Worth Buying? - NBA2K21 Review

NBA 2K21 has been a long standing giant in the gaming world of basketball. Not too many have challenged this monopoly of domination. With that being said, does NBA 2K21 hold up to it's long standing reputation? Or does 2K fail to deliver on such an exceptional history of the basketball genre dominance? NBA 2K has a plethora of game modes, ranging from Quick Play, to MyTeam, to MYGM, and a fan favorite MyCareer.

In Quick play you can match-up against any current NBA teams, Classic, or all time teams. And just to make things even better, NBA decided to throw in a HIGH demanded WNBA mode as well. ;) I must admit, it is fun to play Prime Jordan vs Prime LeBron.

Or Having Shaq play against the likes of a stretch Center like Joel Embid. You can pretty much play against any team you wish as 2K keeps adding to the list of classic teams. A few notable missing historic players are Charles Barkley, Reggie Miller, and Manu Ginobli.

In MyTeam, you collect an assortment of cards based on ratings to complete your squad. Think of this as a long drawn out mode of card collecting with cards that should never be rated as high as they really are. And fan favorites will be over priced due to the demand of these cards.

No matter how many you collect, you will never be satisfied and will always have thirst for different lineups. Especially after some kid demolishes the current lineup in a triple threat you worked so hard to assemble in the first place. MyGM is just what it sounds like.

You control the destiny of a franchise and get to make trades and sign free agents. You play through season after season in hopes of assembling one of the greatest franchises of all time. Take a struggling franchise and turn them around, or take a booming franchise and keep the momentum going for one more championship and big superstar free agency signings.

My career is where most people spend there time. The grind is always real in the neighborhood. If you're not playing 21 in the street, you're at the rec center with a squad or trying to flex in pro-am. The point of this mode is simple, be the best and get the most rep.

The grind is off the streets and in the fantasy world of the MyCareer NBA world. Take your team to the next level by becoming one of the next time greats. With all that being said, how does the game stack up compared to last year? Honestly, the game is basically a carbon copy with a broken shot meter and frustrating animations.

Layups are a challenge with the new meter and it takes time to get the shot stick down. The game feels sluggish compared to last year and the controls are a sad attempt to make it feel new. The player models are still inaccurate and it feels like a rushed game graphically with a lot of repeat visuals.

In my opinion, I would hold off until the next gen version or wait until it goes on sale. The game is disappointing on pretty much every avenue and it mostly just feels like recycled material. It got to the point where all we needed was a roster update.