HOW DID THIS HAPPEN!!?? | Bookish Black Jack | Original TBR game | August 2020 [CC].

hello wonderful people! Welcome back to coffee over apples my name's Staff and today we have our august blackjack tbr game. In case this is your first time here or you've never played blackjack before, blackjack is the card game of 21, In which you are working against the dealer to try to get as close to the number 21. By adding up all your cards if you go over 21 and then you lose or, if the dealer gets closer to 21 than you then you lose as well. The way that this game is going to work is that any cards that I win during my hand i get to keep and the prompts that are on those cards I get to use towards my TBR. Jacks, Queens and Kings count as 10 and Ace can count as 1 or 11. alright guys here we go! let's get started are we ready? let's get started! so to start off this first hand I have organic matter on the cover and set outside the u.s. seven and five and this month we are dealing with marshmallows so i think seven and five equals twelve. i'm going to go with hit okay so that is 13. i guess i'm gonna have to hit again. bust I lose! oh man... i lost the marshmallow.. I bet one marshmallow. we have hyped on booktube and minority author and that equals 17. dealer has a three if that is a ten underneath that is a 13 he would have to hit so i'm going to stay. lets see what the dealer has...

13 oh yeah! come on bust! bust! bust! oh man I lost my other marshmallow gosh darn it I lost two. we are not on a good start here you guys. okay uh this is not going so well but let's push through. okay next bet another marshmallow. six and a two it's an eight assuming he has a 20 i'm going to hit that is an 11.

hit 12 .gosh darn it all right hit. fourteen and.... gotta hit here we go let's see if i'll get all my cards in this one game. oh bust! that is a 24. lost another marshmallow oh man i'm almost out of marshmallows you guys. pretty soon i'm gonna have to take out a loan. a five with a random letter generated book and a five with a female author all right so i'm gonna assume that the dealer has 20 and i could split this like i did last month and possibly end up with 10 books again. I think we're gonna go for it. I think we're gonna split you guys. i'm betting another marshmallow added to the pot okay so we're gonna separate these. so for this side i'm gonna hit that is an eight. hit again. a ten hit again! fourteen!? i don't think i'm going to risk it i think i'm going to stay so over here i'm going to hit that is a 14 also staying at 14 doesn't make sense so i'm gonna hit one more time.

18. all right i'm going to stay here dealer has a 10 let's see what he's got.

20!! I lose!! aah!!!! all right all right down to my last marshmallow. it's all or nothing. four with a pet pic and oh a 10! i'm gonna have to hit i'm gonna go hit. bust oh man dealer wipe me out! wait.. what? I guess I didn't figure this part out. like what if i actually lost every game um i guess i'm not reading anything this month. because I ran out of casino chips because the dealer eats them as they win them and i can't win them back so I didn't plan for this... I - we - will try again after I go shopping haha bye!!

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