The Elder Scrolls 6 ● How the ZeniMax dispute over the TES 6 subtitle ended: RedFall.

You probably already know the whole story about the Redfall trademark, which Zenimax Media registered in September 2018, and the legal proceedings around it, since the Redfall brand was already used by the book publisher BookBreeze as the title for a series of science fiction novels from author Jay Falconer There were a lot of rumors about this, it was not clear until the end how this dispute would be resolved, whether Zenimax media would refuse this trademark or would fight for it to the end.

And today it became known that the two publishing companies involved in the battle for this trademark have nevertheless resolved their legal dispute. More recently, representatives of the companies got together to work out a "mutually beneficial" solution.

As a result, the companies peacefully resolved the dispute, but the specific terms of the agreement are confidential, the parties believe that the solution to the issue is mutually beneficial for both ZeniMax and and their respective fans.

As we resolved the dispute, you and I can guess that finance is sometimes capable to work wonders, most likely they acquired the right to use the brand, either partially, or, as it seems to me, completely bought it out, and the author of a series of books in the future will not be able to write his novels under the title Redfall.

In principle, I had already foreseen such an outcome events, some book publisher, some little-known writer who was not even initially paid attention to by Zenimax, or such a large game tycoon who controls many well-known and successful game studios. Who is waiting for the argument, the result is obvious.

But what does this tell us. different theories go to the account of RedFall. But of the most interesting is the Fall of the Reds, as a kind of reference to the fall of the empire, which will still be destroyed and which is always associated with the color Red.

The key symptom of which is skin redness. And that the next part will be closely related to a major plague epidemic. Well, my favorite theory is that RedFall is a reference to the Iliac Bay and that part 6 will affect the two regions of High Rock and Hammerfell at once, but all these, of course, are just theories.

But what we now know for sure, RedFall remains with Zenimax Media, and this subtitle is important for the company, which means it definitely has a semantic meaning for the content for which it is intended. Write your theories about RedFall in the comments, it will be interesting to read them all ..