Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition: Game Review.

Does Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition take the open-world experience even further? "That's up to you to decide." Let's just say it's as massive as ever. The star of this enhanced version of the futuristic role-playing game is still Aloy, the tough and intelligent warrior woman tasked with an epic quest.

Just like in the 2017 edition, exploration and combat go hand in hand here. Players battle giant robot creatures using everything from spears and arrows to bombs and strange guns. It's intense, but not too bloody. Language-wise, it's safe to expect some mild swearing.

"Careful there, you'll sprain your neck." Bottom line: This is a vast, impressive game with a compelling story and a female lead who's strong, confident, and capable. Common Sense says Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition is fine for teens 13 and up, and we've named it a Common Sense Selection.