Sylvanas VS Arthas (Lich King) - Who Would Win?.

Hello guys this is Doronsmovies and today I will be talking about who would win peak Arthas as the Lich King or current Sylvanas with Jailer's power. Covering their lore very briefly as you guys already know the backstories and then focusing on their power and speculations on who would win in this fantasy battle scenario.

So without further ado, let's get into the lore. Look now to your defenses my son, for the champions of justice gather at your gate! Arthas: Let them come...Frostmourne hungers Arthas is the corrupted paladin, the one that took Frostmourne, betrayed his kingdom and essentially raised the Scourge to it's peak.

He took over the Frozen Throne from Ner'Zhul and essentially demolished everything in his path. Once he had arrived and had gotten stronger he became one of the biggest threats to Azeroth in history. Arthas raised many monstrosities, created most of the Scourge architecture and really became one of the biggest influences on the planet.

Through a gruelling campaign of weakening his forces, we finally faced the Lich King in battle a top the Frozen Throne. He was defeated but only with Tirion Fordring, the Ashbringer and the Light that broke Frostmourne. However, he did actually defeat us and it was one of the closest battles of the entire game.

His entire strategy was to lure the most powerful champions to Icecrown in order to raise them as his own and to continue his campaign. His mistake was that he underestimated the Light and Tirion. Ultimately he fell and Bolvar took over the Throne reigning as the Lich King until this point in time.

Toy soldiers in tin plate. Beasts who howl for honor. Standing as one. Savor it... Nothing lasts. Sylvanas Windrunner is one of the most influential high elves and also one of the most powerful ones at the time. She valiantly defended her kingdom but was finally caught and defeated by Arthas who angered at her resistance decided to raise her as a banshee to serve him.

For a while, she had no free will until the Lich King started getting weaker and his grip loosened. At that point, she rebelled, attacked Arthas and formed her own faction of undead known as the Forsaken. From that point forth she would conquer the remnants of Lordaeron, would join the Horde and would play one of the key roles within the faction.

It was only recently that she came into contact with the Jailer from the Shadowlands that subsequently manipulated events and got her into the position of the Warchief. Since that point, Windrunner led aggressive war campaigns in order to maximize casualties feeding the maw in the Shadowlands making the Jailer more powerful than ever which in turn granted her untold power.

She defeated Saurfang quite easily in a duel, abandoned the Horde and the Forsaken and reached the Frozen Throne. There Sylvanas faced Bolvar in battle and with relative easy dispatched his Scourge minions, chained him, took off the crown and destroyed it.

This as far as we know at the moment destroyed the entity we know as the Lich King and opened a rift into the Shadowlands. Her current status and power is unclear but she will no doubt play a key role in the future. So with this very brief history who would win if Arthas at his peak was the Lich King and Sylvanas at her current power level arrived at the Frozen Throne and attacked him? First things first let's get one thing out of the way.

Sylvanas only stands a chance against Arthas now as previously it was confirmed that she couldn't single-handedly fight him. Even Windrunner realized when she escaped Icecrown that his power had increased tenfold since she had last seen him and that a mighty army was necessary from both factions in order to put an end to Arthas.

So only with her powers from the Jailer Sylvanas actually has a chance. In terms of Arthas, it is obvious his power had increased by a significant margin. As opposed to Bolvar he fully embraced his role as the Lich King, got rid of his humanity and most importantly had the very powerful sword known as Frostmourne.

The sword itself contained thousands of souls and some very powerful ones within them which granted him significant power. More importantly, he really built up the Scourge in Northrend and it was an immensely powerful army with monstrosities like Sindragosa at his side.

However, one thing should be clear. While Arthas was incredibly powerful he was never on a god-like level. As we have seen in the wrath gate cinematic he had to retreat when the forsaken chucked a few barrels of plague at him which I don't think would be the case with someone like Kil'Jaeden or Archimonde.

Even Dave Kosak confirmed on twitter that Lei-Shen would be stronger than the Lich King in 1v1 battle, however, he brings one point forth and that is that army wise he is more powerful. This really was the biggest strength of Arthas. He really took his time and built up the Scourge, raised dragons, giants, created abominations, death knights, spread the plague, took over zones and overall was an excellent leader of the undead army.

When looking at Bolvar he was much weaker in this department as his goal wasn't really to conquer the planet. Now with Sylvanas as her story is on-going it is really hard to point out how powerful she is, but my own speculation based on what we have seen is that she is way more powerful than all of us think.

If you look at the Saurfang and Bolvar duel it was so obvious that she had way more up her sleeve and she did everything with a smirk, she didn't even doubt that she could lose. This is because she has been in the pact with the Jailer for a while now and every casualty that occurred made her stronger and there were a lot of them with so many wars and campaigns recently.

On top of that, she constantly sought to empower herself through out the expansions. So ultimately here is how I see the battle scenario. Sylvanas would definitely not be able to just march on top of Icecrown Citadel like she did with Bolvar as the Scourge was way more powerful.

In the Bolvar scenario, the army is only a husk and barely poses a significant threat. Bolvar doesn't even have the powerful control that Arthas had. However if she did manage to reach the Frozen Throne I would say that Sylvanas would be able to beat Arthas.

I don't think she would do it so easily and I think Arthas would prove a much tougher foe with Frostmourne, but overall he was not a god-like powerhouse in 1v1 combat. I don't think Sylvanas would be as confident and I believe Arthas would actually be able to do some damage to her but ultimately I do believe he would be defeated.

Currently, it is really hard to speculate how powerful Sylvanas is but let's be clear she has a pact with one of the most dangerous beings in the entire universe and this is a direct pact as in she was standing right next to him. She isn't just some minion but more of a partner and as the Jailer is a completely new character we don't know too much about him.

Seeing that he is in charge of keeping essentially all evil and the most dangerous creatures in all of universe in prison I don't think it is a wild speculation to say that he is on an insanely powerful level. So my opinion is that Sylvanas would be able to win even though personally I would root for Arthas.

However only time will tell how powerful the Banshee Queen is exactly as we arrive in the Shadowlands. Thank you for watching. Do check out what the role of Bolvar is by clicking on the screen and also check out the second channel Doron's Academy for videos on real-world history and science.