IS THIS APP ANY GOOD? - Elevate (Brain Training & Brain Games) | App Review

So, I see Elevate almost like mental exercises. It's like taking your brain to the gym. I'm seeing myself improve in different ways that I didn't know I could. What is up guys, my name is Chase. You may have seen this ad popping up on YouTube; I know I've seen this ad a million times on YouTube.

I know I've seen this ad on YouTube like a million times. So, I finally gave in to the commercialism and decided to try out the Elevate app. And here are my thoughts So, the very first time you start up Elevate, you're taken through the initial performance test.

Unfortunately, I didn't record my test, but here are where my performance results are at now. Anyway, once you get your initial performance report, you're taken to the main hub of the Elevate app. The main experience of the Elevate app relies on these training games.

They feel very reminiscent of the Brain Age games on the Nintendo DS. Basically, you have 4 different types of games: Writing Speaking Reading and Math. In these games, you divide numbers, edit sentences, and more. Overall, I think that these games are really fun.

They're short enough that you can just hop into the app for a few minutes, get these games done, and then move on with your day. Each day you get a total of 3 games that you can play. However, you can get unlimited games with the $40/year subscription.

And that's something that I'm kind of on the fence about. The fact that this app makes you pay for a longer experience feels a bit weird to me. With that said, I think that the baseline 3 games is enough that you can get your fix once a day. And in the end, I think that 3 games is sufficient for a daily routine.

Once you complete your daily training you can take a look at your EPQ or Elevate Proficiency Quotient. This takes your initial performance results and adds on the "points" that you earn through the training games. And this is the main feature that I feel like makes Elevate a great app.

It essentially uses a video game element of having a score. Every time you finish your training, you just want to see your score go higher. It even has achievements. So I think that is an ingenious way to get people hooked on the app. In conclusion, the Elevate app creates a fun experience for getting your brain motors moving.

It's full of fun bite-sized brain training games that are just enough to feel fulfilling while not becoming too long and cumbersome. Overall, I'd give two thumbs up for the Elevate app. I'll leave a link to the Elevate app in the description. And don’t worry, this isn’t an ad; I’m not getting paid at all.