The Elder Scrolls 6 ● About changing the setting in TES 6.

All the latest news that relate to the 6th part of the ancient scrolls is basically some kind of assumptions and guesses of game journalists or the gaming community about some elements and things that may be in the game, or a discussion of what I would like to see in the game . What changes are different from the previous parts of the series. In general, there are no official statements from the representatives of Bethesda Game Studios, and therefore I decided with you to delve a little into what fans write about, what they discuss, what they want. Let's look at this. The most unrealistically insane idea that fans of the series have been seriously discussing lately is to change the setting of the game, and to transfer the events and actions of the game hundreds of years forward, when more advanced technologies, gunpowder and firearms will appear in the world. What, according to some fans, will be able to enrich the already rich lore of the universe and give players completely new opportunities in the game, introduce new mechanics. For example, steam engines, various mechanisms would appear in the game and we could study Dwemer technologies and apply them to your taste. You are in a medieval fantasy, with a magical atmosphere, and not in a steampunk world, with a firearm and gadgets that would only fit a single franchise. The identity and recognizability of the series is an important element that the developers will undoubtedly observe, I am sure of this. In general, the idea is so-so and has the very minimum chance of being realized. All game mechanics related to hacking and interactivity, interaction with objects in the game world became another theme and wishes. So that, for example, any doors in the game could be knocked out with the use of force, or chests could be broken, and not just hacked with lockpicks. On the one hand, the idea sounds cool and very tempting, on the other hand, there are some disadvantages in this the system, or rather, if it is introduced, then it is necessary to take into account that a whole branch of pumping associated with hacking may become useless and unnecessary. For example, why do I need to save lockpicks, and download a whole hacking skill, if it is enough for me just to pump power come up and in 10-20 clicks with the mouse destroy it with a hammer in your hands. On the one hand, this is quite realistic, but on the other hand, it makes useless the whole mechanics in the game, and the same mini-games with hack that, to be honest, I liked it myself and gave pleasure. But if you take into account Skyrim specifically, where is the master key and knife. rotating in a circular way, and not a system with springs, as in Oblivion, which I hated, and preferred to use the auto-breaker function. If you introduce a system for destroying locked doors and chest lids, then you need to think about it carefully so that the person pumping the hacking skill does not feel that he is wasting his points. And if the door can be broken, then this should be a very perk. high level of pumping power. The idea in general is controversial, and therefore I am inclined to believe that they will not even consider it, knowing the conservatism of the Besedka lately. Of course, the appetites of the players and fans are very large and grandiose, but in reality, the higher the expectations, the more upset then you will have to be upset if in reality everything turns out to be not as majestic as the dreamers paint in their minds. another conversation, what is the value of a large number of people in the city, if all of them are just decorations and backgrounds, clones and just dummies that walk in the background with the same type of replicas that randomly change and often repeat. There are no values ​​in such NPCs, this is only unnecessary obstacles on the way, getting in the way. What is the value of NPCs in the previous series of the game, in that with each you were able to start a dialogue, and with a high probability, each of the dialogs ended with the beginning of some kind of task. In general, in my opinion, less but better quality than more, but monotonous copy-paste without any meaning. The number of people for the sake of scenery, well, such an idea, to make hundreds of NPCs in the city unique with their own biography, with their dialogues in our time, I think it is possible, only the game will have to wait another ten years, when all these dialogues will be voiced by the actors, and when will remake the engine so that it is able to generate NPC behavior in the city without blowing up your processor on the PC. As for the battles, it's a little simpler, faceless soldiers can really add many and large-scale battles and battles may well appear for themselves, if by that time the game engine is being overhauled and significantly modernized.

It's 50 to 50. Personally, I would also like to take part in such a battle, where in addition to me there would be many warriors that would feel the full scope. And then the civil war in Skyrim really looks like a clash of some gangster groups, and not a real war. so that you can persuade, intimidate, deceive, etc. And here again we return to the previous point, where players ask thousands of NPCs to cities and ask for such an in-depth dialogue system. Which, in principle, does not really fit together. Well, you perfectly understand that no matter how you want, you will have to sacrifice something, or the number of NPCs, but the dialogues will be in style, hello, how are you, everything is fine, goodbye. Or make a dozen NPCs, but you can chat with them for hours, choosing the right words based on the unique character of each interlocutor. I would really like the dialogue system to really become more in-depth, more interesting and varied, so that one of the options for passing the game would be exclusively linguistic, so that you could avoid a battle just by choosing the right words, with certain skills, this would give new sensations when passing the game. I hope in this aspect the Gazebo will really make changes and really bother with the dialogues. Well, it is important to understand that simplification is also made for a reason, if you look at how games are going nowadays, most players simply skip all the dialogues, which of course also affects the final decision of the developers regarding this mechanic. This is very sad in fact, because it is the analysis This behavior of the players also affects the final decisions in favor of simplifying some elements. We can only hope for the best. Well, perhaps all the main topics and things that were discussed by the fans of the series, write your wishes in the comments, what you agree with and what you disagree with, I will be glad to read it ..